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Comment Oh gosh, here we go again! (Score 1) 1009

The thing is, an OS should be seen and not heard. It's there to manage the system and run your apps SO YOU CAN GET WORK DONE! It shouldn't be like a video game - oh I can't wait to get the next version to see how COOL it looks. I'll take stability over coolness any day. In business environment with many PC's it's more important to keep the OS that works well, and that is familiar, that allows people to - wait for it - TO GET WORK DONE - instead of messing around upgrading PC's every couple months. For goodness sake, our local medical center is just now migrating to Win7 from XP Pro, because it's not about the OS, it's about them running their custom software that WORKS for them.

Comment Re:Math, do it. (Score 1) 1043

I'm not sure what your friend is really like.

He's not my friend. no no my uncles friend, and as far as what he's really like .. the person who is most like Scrooge I ever met.
Figures he works for a large pharmaceutical company, soon to retire, only thing he loves is his house, porsche 911, Mercedes and his stock portfolio.

Comment Re:Math, do it. (Score 2, Interesting) 1043

The worst thing about the US system is the thought that someone on welfare is a "bad" person.

I tried to explain that this is not the case to this guy I know who makes well into 6 figures (he'll never let anyone forget that). He thinks anyone on welfare should die on the streets because they are just sub human leeches, and there should be no such thing as welfare in the first place. "It's everyone's responsibility to go out and get a good job and make lots of money. Anyone can do it! If you don't you must be dumb or lazy or both and should just shoot yourself to make room for hard working people" he says. No surprise he was never married, no kids,hates animals, and has almost no friends except my uncle - who also makes a great deal of money too but is not as a big of an ass hole.

Comment Re:I'm torn... (Score 1) 211

The broadcasters just have to adapt to modern times.

Like the movie and music industry has?
Large, old, entrenched corps like this whose business model has not changed in nearly 100 years will fight tooth an nail NOT to adapt to modern times. Even if it means spending money on keeping the status quo. It's like the plague to them.

Comment Re:meeses (Score 1) 361

Indeed, but my issue is not the mouse itself but the buttons, especially the left. It's usually my fire button in and i have a tendency of getting too exuberant while playing. I must put 50lbs of force on it sometimes. :) They tend not to last long then.

Comment EQ (Score 1) 288

What I think their doing now, is not changing the volume but messing with the equalization of the audio. They turn down the human voice range frequencies during the program and raising them during the commercial. Because I still find myself reaching for the remote when commercials come on.

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