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Comment Re:Just the cost of doing business. (Score 1) 311

Limited liability is in respect to the owners of a corporation, not the employees and management. If a company goes belly up, no avenue exists to contact shareholders and say "You owe $50.82 per share to satisfy the obligations of the company." Until true A.I. exists, people still make all decisions and individuals should still be held responsible for their decisions, even if said decision was directing a corporate action.

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es330td writes: From TFA: An Oregon county commission has ordered an incinerator to stop accepting boxed medical waste to generate electricity after learning the waste it's been burning may include tissue from aborted fetuses from British Columbia.

Sam Brentano, chairman of the Marion County board of commissioners, said "We thought our ordinance excluded this type of material at the waste-to-energy facility. We will take immediate action to ensure a process is developed to prohibit human tissue from future deliveries."

Comment Re:Making a Safer World... (Score 1) 342

IIRC, when a woman is born she has all the egg cells she is ever going to have. When she ovulates one of them finishes developing and is released. Consequently, it only makes sense that the longer they stick around, the more likely an egg is to degrade. Men, on the other hand, make new sperm by the millions constantly, so the sperm he contributes are only recently created.

Comment Re:Route for the Whalers (Score 0) 188

When the activists boarded the whaling ship I was praying the people on the whaling ship would simply throw them overboard. I know the Sea Shepherd had Zodiacs deployed to pluck people from the water if needed, but I promise you anybody that went in that water will think very long and hard about risking having that happen a second time. It was obvious that many of the people on the Shepherd thought this was all fun and games but a quick dose of reality in the form of freezing water would probably change their attitude. I also thought the whaling ships needed someone on board with a 12 gauge shotgun to take out the bags of rancid butter being flung at the ship. Unlike most flying targets, those were large and slow moving and should have been easy to blow open.

Comment Re:Helium (Score 1) 143

Just make sure they are tethered so they don't fall on a populated area.

The only reason these are necessary is that the residents live in sparsly populated areas. If more people lived there the infrastructure cost of traditional electric delivery would be justifiable. From TFA, a turbine could power "dozens" of homes. In the biggest state in the US, a dozen homes is a rounding error in population density.

Comment Re:all of IT needs an union (Score 1) 107

If a person works in an industry that changes over time in response to market needs then said individual needs to put in the time/effort to stay current or suffer the consequences. Some industries have this built in; CPA's, financial advisors and insurance agents, even doctors are required to do continuing education to ensure that they are abreast of changes in their field. Anybody in a tech field that fails to incorporate new technology into their toolbox is asking to be replaced.

Rush said it best: "Changes aren't permanent, but change is."

Comment Re:An advantage (Score 4, Insightful) 299

but I thought most people on slashdot wouldn't know what they were

/. is a place wherein denizens brag about using their acoustic couplers, or bbs'ing at 300 baud or computing in the snow, uphill both ways while editing inodes by hand with a magnet. You take a pretty big leap when you guess that "most" people don't know about an outdated technology.

Comment Re:And Environmentalists Just Dumped Thousands of (Score 2) 545

The poor are the hardest hit.

The poor are ALWAYS hardest hit. The definition of "poor" in general context is "those lacking resources." No matter what harmful event happens on Earth, the "have-not's" are going to be most adversely impacted; the "have's" would have left, bought supplies, lived in brick & mortar instead of a modular home. lived on higher ground, etc.

Comment Re:Apple / Google / etc (Score 2) 288

Why is perhaps why businesses should get taxed on income (aka revenue) like the rest of the tax payers.

Nothing would destroy the world economy faster than this staggeringly short sighted idea. A typical grocery store averages about 2% profit on sales. If, for example, a store pays $2.00 for a gallon of milk that it sells at $2.05 any tax that takes more than $0.05 make said grocer unable to restock his dairy case. How long exactly do you expect any store to remain in business under those terms?

Comment Re:Better idea; resupply the shuttle (Score 1) 247

We've got SpaceX and other commercial entities capable of launching supplies into orbit and rendezvouing with with ISS or a shuttle.

I am not an aerospace engineer or astrophysicist, but I have to ask how "capable" SpaceX is of this mission you propose. SpaceX won the X Prize by getting to 112 km twice. The shuttle orbited at 304 km and the ISS at 370km. The marginal cost of taking each additional kg to space is significant. To get any amount of any moderate mass more than twice as high above the Earth has got to have a massive energy budget. I realize SpaceX gets to the edge of space, but Shuttle type altitudes are higher above where SpaceX got than SpaceX itself was above the Earth.

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