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Comment Re:Information isn't matter, symbols are one encod (Score 1) 211

The changes in pretty much every facet of life have been huge thanks to sustained innovation over the past century.

All of which has been without the need for design patents or copyrights (on electronics).

Automotive benefits from hard-edged technology patents, not from design patents and not from software patents. Fashion hasn't advanced much partly because it's an exceedingly mature industry - design patents and copyright weren't needed to aid development of automated looms back when fashion was undergoing its rapid innovation phase.

There is tremendous innovation, but that innovation does not derive from copyrights or from design patents. Those are holding us back.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 304

I rarely say this, but: You're doing it wrong. You do not need to use the whole screen for most applications.

For instance I have my browser, an SSH connection and a chat window all open and fully visible on the same screen at the same time. Who would've thought it, a multi-tasking OS capable of running multiple interactive applications at once, and displaying them concurrently on the same screen. Crikey, it's like being in 1993.

Comment Re:Too Small (Score 1) 304

smaller pixels might make for smoother games

If the game is 3D rendered on the fly (so most PC games that aren't browser based, and a few that are) then the render overhead increases as you add pixels.

Instead of a fully lit dynamic detailed world with great view distances at 1920x1080 with anti-aliasing to minimise the grain on edges the same graphics card would have to lose the AA, the detail, the lighting, the view distances or the frame rates at 3440x1440.

That doesn't mean that you can't buy a bigger/faster graphics card, but it does mean it's now a lot more expensive.

More of a challenge is that most games wont support an ultra-wide format. They'll display in a 16:9, 16:10 or 4:3 ratio, so if your monitor can't deliver those natively you're now having the scale the output and it's not going to look quite as nice.

Comment Re:Fusion power since 4.5*10^9 BC in space! (Score 1) 280

Given that wind and solar power can contribute 5-10% of the power needs of an entire country, I think it's reasonable to assume they can power smelters.

Whether they can do that and power the rest of the country is a very different question.

Similarly, powering a car using solar power is trivial. It may just take a few days between journeys to charge the battery.

Comment Re:UK EU more problems than solutions? (Score 0) 341

1 - access to the market does not require political union. See also: 17 other posts on this topic
2 - Freedom of movement is leading to heavy overpopulation of England, causing infrastructure issues and contributing to a housing price boom. I'd rather have to get a visa to visit the rest of Europe and greatly reduce the net migration that's causing population issues
3 - Global standards are viable without political union. A common regulatory framework may be an advantage in some areas but not others. Right now there's no choice about which regulations with which to comply, and very unequal enforcement. See also the prejudice against British beef despite farming standards being significantly higher than many other European nations
4 - The EU is welcome to be a major player in world politics, but the UK's managed fine as an independent player anyway. China could gobble up the EU with ease - shit, they could probably bankrupt it purely by withholding certain natural resources
5 - 70 years of peace predates the EU, generously ignores the break-up of Yugoslavia and seems to forget the current issues in the Ukraine. As for prosperity, I seem to recall some news articles recently about Greece, Spain, Ireland, Cyprus...

No, you're not a random Brit. You're a random Europhile that seems to misunderstand the British perspective entirely. Most Brits don't want political union, have never had the opportunity to vote on it, resent the way we're treated by the EU, resent paying for it all and would greatly prefer a trade agreement only.

I'm not sure where that 'sulking' is part of this, unless that's your definition for "not letting a Franco-German agreement fuck us over AGAIN".

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