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Comment Re:It has been done. (Score 1) 448

I live in a country where people have been prosecuted successfully for murder because they killed the driver of a car that had been trying to run them over, and the fatal shot was fired after the car had passed them - by inches.

It's called the rule of law. The judges are compassionate, court cases take into account mitigating factors, the prosecution service can and often do choose not to pursue certain cases.. but people are definitely held to account if they seek to exact extra-judicial revenge.

Comment Re:Terrorists Win (Score 1) 589

Comically the BBC is currently getting bashed for supporting a book about assassinating a former British Prime Minister.

But verbal feedback is some way from threatening mass murder. I'm not sure that any movie justifies that, and particularly one that gravely offends some cunt with no sense of humour.

Yes Kim, I mean you.

Comment Re:Home of the brave? (Score 1) 589

that's why their so funny

Only to people that lack the wit to differentiate between "they're" and "their".

I'm not even joking. There's a whole class of hollywood comedy based around "stupid people being stupid" that just isn't terribly funny.

I prefer my comedy to be very dark (Old Boy - in Korean) or played straight (Blues Brothers or Monty Python) or situational (Ferris Bueller). Don't be giving me some badly scripted shit based on stupid people doing blatantly stupid things (Dumb and Dumber).

Comment Re:Best idea ever! (Score 2) 130

Bull. The majority of pedophiles transition between fantasies to actual rapes

You, err, have actual evidence of this?

The pattern is well known to law enforcement and mental health professionals.

Law enforcement find that people they arrest for raping small children also have fantasies. Big fucking surprise. Still doesn't follow that A causes B.

The only realistic alternative for allowing pedophiles to be free is to force them to have absolutely no contact with children.

This is quite tricky, given most pedophiles come under the category "Parents".

Comment Re:Unclear to me depends on google action (Score 1) 191

What if Google includes click-through rates by users in its search rankings?

People in Spain wont be clicking through links to Spanish news sites via news.google.es so Google will algorithmically have no choice but to deprioritise those sites in comparison to e.g. Mexican ones.

Of course, we're both assuming that Google are even allowed to link to Spanish news sites in search results - when I search google it shows me an excerpt of the matching text; if Google have to pay the news sites to include that then it's illegal for them to include those sites if they haven't paid.

Personally I take the view that it's Google's website, Google's index and Google that succeed or fail by whether the results they show meet the needs of their users. So let them make the call and not politicians.

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