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Comment Re: Why [cisco|intel|...$USBRAND] gives $NOTUSA a (Score 2) 346

Don't talk to me about "Freedom of speech" while you have people like Assange bullied and prosecuted for what they said.

Again, no sense of proportions. You have Assange, I raise you one million Chinese Uyghurs being incarcerated in "re-education camps" in China for their religious beliefs.

Comment Re: Why [cisco|intel|...$USBRAND] gives $NOTUSA an (Score 4, Informative) 346

So no, the US are definitely no more allies of Europe than China is.

You have no sense of proportion. China lives by completely different rules. They have no respect for freedom of speech or democracy, quite the opposite, and they don't care if other countries do. The US has its flaws, but I'll take a flawed democracy over an oppressing dictatorship any day.

And beyond ecinomics... well, if you're European, it's not like China is out to burn your home, rape your wife, kill your dog. They're on a different hemisphere for chrissake, there's noting to gain for them from indaving another, regardless of whether that's Europe or US. (FWIW, the only country that has a habit of doing that post-WW2, regularly, is the US.)

No, maybe they'll just destroy all your infrastructure that's connected to the internet, including telecommuncations, power supply, and everything else that's needed in a modern society. Japan's being in a different hemisphere didn't stop them from starting an all out war with the US. If the western countries tries to do the right thing and stop China from taking areas from smaller countries in Asia then a war is not an impossibility. I assume you know that China is already doing that by creating artificial islands with military bases.

Comment Re:No mention of causation, for once (Score 1) 128

Pretty much all youths these days have excessive screen time already, depression can't increase it much more. Just like with smoking, there comes a time when most people understand that we can't rationalize away the evidence with the usual "correlation does not equal causation" any longer.

Comment Re:We all know this is comming (Score 1) 183

and I'm guessing we're not going to do a damn thing about it because a good chunk of us can't bear the thought of somebody having a nice things in life and not working relentlessly to get it. It comes down to an antiquated concept of 'fairness'.

What it comes down to is if you really want to pay twice the price for banking services just so that bankers can keep their highly paid jobs. I do banking in both Norway and Spain, and it is significantly more expensive in Spain, where they still have a lot of physical banks everywhere. The difference between the deposit rate and borrowing rate is about 1.5 percentage points in Norway and 2.5 percentage points in Spain. In addition the Spanish banks charges all kinds of fees for banking operations, while there are almost no fees in Norwegian banks. It's actually much cheaper for me to send money from a Norwegian bank to a Spanish bank than between two Spanish banks, unless the sum is very small.

Comment Re:Crowdfunding is not pre-ordering (Score 4, Insightful) 166

People confuse crowdfunding with pre-ordering. In crowdfunding you sponsor someone's attempt to achieve something, because you want it to happen. Perks are just an additional incentive. Sometimes a perk happens to be a product, but it's still a perk for your sponsorship, not something you bought or pre-ordered.

If that's what it was marketed as then it would be ok, but in these cases it was not. It's a preorder when they ask for exactly $1500 and promise you a helmet in return. In reality it is an investment with no upside (you only get your money back in the form of a product if it succeeds) and a huge downside.

Comment Re:Some people ask intrinsically annoying question (Score 1) 477

At least for the questions "Why would you want to do that in the first place?" and "why don't you look at X poorly written documentation page" I agree. Often users have problems that they are trying to solve in a bad way, or it's difficult to know what they don't understand about the documentation. Adding some more context will frequently get you an answer. Calling those who bother to read your question and write an answer unhelpful or worse will not.

Comment Re:So does it still let you "always click to flash (Score 4, Informative) 98

Also: where's the "click to run HTML5 video", please?

Even more importantly, where's the click to start downloading HTML5 video? Most HTML5 video can be stopped from playing automatically but it will still start downloading, and drain the quota on a metered connection in no time.

Comment Amnesty (Score 1) 570

I've come to the conclusion that the best long term charity is Amnesty International. Sure, feeding the hungry saves more people in the short run, but I believe that democracy and freedom of speech is the only way to stop hunger and famine to return to the same areas again and again.

Comment Re:Century (Score 1) 495

No, he got it because Torbjorn Jagland really likes being in the spotlight. Unfortunately he's not very good at politics, so he practically got kicked out of the important spots in the Labor party when they lost big after a period with him as prime minister. Getting the most powerful man in the world to visit Norway was an excellent alternative way to get attention. The way he sucked up to Obama in the Norwegian news media was just sickening to watch.

Comment Re:Big Deal (Score 1) 654

Greenland isn't melting. The icesheet is ablating. Just because its average temp during the summer is 3C above "normal" (whatever that is) does not mean that the average temp is not 20-30C below freezing.

You are clearly just making your "facts" up. We know for certain that the ice is melting because of simple observable things like rivers and ice sliding into the ocean. The average temperature is well above 0 most places on Greenland during the summer months. If the temperature is on average 3C higher than normal, even more ice will melt during those months.

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