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Comment Re:Use Namecheap (Score 5, Insightful) 197

I assume you're from Hacker News. I'd be very weary of Namecheap. I personally wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. They have been very dishonest in their dealings with GoDaddy in order to make themselves out to be some David fighting Goliath. In particular, accusing GoDaddy of noncompetitively restricting their whois access. Experts have already confirmed that that's standard practice in the industry to prevent abuse, and honestly, even I, a nonexpert, already knew that. Their making an issue out of it public reeks of dishonesty. As most /.ers will gleefully tell you, no-name domain registrars can be as crooked as a barrel of snakes. If you look in the comments sections of most anti-GoDaddy stories, you'll see plenty of them spamming their SOPASUCKSALLCAPS coupon codes.

My advice to anyone looking for a new registrar is not to go with whomever screams "Screw SOPA! Screw GoDaddy!" the loudest. Do some actually research on who provides quality service and has a long established reputation of not being a snake. I personally like eNom, but there may be better ones out there.

Comment Re:I want to know who this man is. (Score 2) 590

And here I thought /. cared about a person's right to privacy. I guess it's completely evil and deplorable for Google and Facebook to invade your privacy, but perfectly legitimate for some asshole with a grudge to do it. In fact, we should encourage him and help him and undermine the law to do so.

Stay classy, /.

Comment Re:Doesn't Matter (Score 1) 758

This, this, and this. I can't believe so many /.ers live in some fantasy world where Google willfully has RIAA cronies in their offices scanning their Music Beta users's collections with highly sophisticated forensic tools that can distinguish a pirated MP3 from a non-pirated one. It's not happening and it's not going to happen.

Comment Re:Empathy (Score 1) 113

I just noticed the Eee PC microphone issue when I installed the Gmail video chat client yesterday. I didn't feel like looking for a solution right away, but lo and behold, here it is. If I had the points I'd mod you up, instead, I'll just says thanks.

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