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Technology (Apple)

Submission + - 30 Days of AppleTV - A comprehensive Review

InfinityMurph writes: "For the past 30 Days Michael at Apple Gazette has been blogging daily about his experiences with the AppleTV. From spotty content in iTunes, to the miracle of Visual Hub and a Macbook Pro, Podcasts, and even an AppleTV freeze up — this is the most comprehensive look at the device to date. Click Here to take a look."
The Internet

Submission + - Is this one way to help keep women in IT?

neaty350 writes: As someone who employs large teams of IT folk, I'm often frustrated when good female team members leave for family pressures (kids) and other similar reasons. A mob in Australia ( have come up with a good idea and launched a site in the past few days that not only focuses on jobs for women, but also has a bunch of stuff in there about career support, tips and advice for women. As a guy, this stuff didn't really register for me, but female co-workers think its a good idea. Is this a sign of things to come — career diversity sites?

Feed The Growth Of The Pirate Bay As A Political Movement (

Tim Lee points us to an LA Times article on the growing success of The Pirate Bay's political movement, noting that its membership is growing in Sweden and is nearly equal to that of the country's Green Party. This is ironic for a few reasons -- most of all being that the entertainment industry was so proud over the raids on the Pirate Bay's servers last year, insisting that it had killed off the site. Instead, the site was back up in days, and the attention propelled what had been a fairly minor search engine for BitTorrent trackers into the limelight -- helping to get it many more users and to get the political movement some traction. In fact, we've now seen other political parties take on some of the Pirate Bay's platform. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this. I don't support the Pirate Bay's position that unauthorized downloads are defensible. Instead, I think that copyright holders need to come to the realization that they're actually better off by letting people download content -- not that it needs to be forced upon them by users taking matters into their own hands. That said, by taking such an extreme position (and having it get some attention), perhaps it's more likely that content holders will come to this realization. They'll simply be forced to adapt and will start coming up with more successful business models that actually benefit from free downloads rather than trying to block them and sue their best customers.

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