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Comment Re:What power laser pointers are doing this? (Score 1) 445

I have a handlheld green light pen laser that runs off of two AAA cells and I can hit clouds quite easily. When demoing for friends I have to be particulary careful as my town is in the flight path of a major airport. I'm confident that if I wanted to (and I don't, of course) I could easily hit any one of the planes on approach.

Comment Re:So, fucking what. (Score 0) 448

Run by the townships communications/PR department. Not by the cop at the front desk who is going to look at you with a blank expression and say, "So what do you want us to do about it?" For a crime to be committed, the cops need to ascribe a dollar value to the stolen item. Having had my home broken into by a relative who took only mementos - irreplacable mementos - that had no real dollar value I can tell you first hand that they are not going to call out an APB for someone's Twitter handle. If you believe that they would, then I think you are the one living in a SNL skit.

Comment Not a bad movie with an interesting side note (Score 3, Interesting) 175

I wanted to dislike this movie, but it actually wasn't bad at all. It's even more intresting if you compare it to "Lost in Translation"; another movie about romance post separation. Intrestingly enough, these two movies were two different takes on the same subject matter by a former couple, Spike Jonze and Sofia Copolla. Viewed from that perspective the comparison is even more interesting.

Comment Remind students of the importance... (Score 1) 231

of materials from verifiable and curated sources. Bring relevancy back to the library by making sure students understand that just because it's "on the Internet" that doesn't necessarily make it true. That's a place where books and encyclopedias still hold relevancy. Teach your students how to curate and verify their own sources so that when they DO have access, they know the difference. That will set them apart from the students from the 'higher-income' schools who were just turned loose on Google by some bored librarian who didn't care as much.

Comment Re:More data to mine for their advertisers & t (Score 2) 139

No one can 'spy' on you unless you invite them in. Google's not busting into your home and forcing you at gunpoint to install one of their thermostats. If you don't want to participate, then don't. But don't complain because others want to and because a company finds yet another avenue to generate a revenue stream. That's what their business model is all about.

Comment Re:Reverse Santa? (Score 5, Insightful) 418

No, blame the end user. That's what you get for licensing your virtual entertainment and not reading the terms. I *buy* my movies on *media I own* or stored on a server *I* control. If Disney wants my stuff, they have to come into the house and physically take it. And I think I can take Mickey.

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