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Comment Re:Apple. (Score 2, Insightful) 539

the multiple market crashes and panics that happened in the 19th and early 20th centuries, taught us that unrestrained capitalism is not a sustainable economic model.

Bullshit. What you're implying is that the natural economic business cycles are able to be avoided if we can just tweak the formula. I find it interesting that you blame "unrestrained capitalism" rather than "pure Socialism" on the market crashes. You realize Socialist countries experience these crashes as well, right?

Comment "Sure we'll let you gamble..." (Score 2, Interesting) 148

"...if we get a cut!" I've never understood this logic. Either we have the ethical/moral/legal right to gamble online or we do not, but the debate should not include whether the government sees revenue from the activity. The only justification for this is if all of the tax proceeds went towards Gambler's Anonymous or something.

Comment Both solutions are economic disasters (Score 0, Troll) 875

...however, if one of them is truly necessary, a carbon tax is the lesser of evils. Cap and Trade is Al Gore's personal get-rich-quick scheme with a slogan of "Save the Earth" and a collateral consequence of global Socialism (i.e. the productive must purchase "credits" from the unproductive). No thanks.

Comment FEAR NUCLEAR!! (Score 1) 389

What's up with the "Let's hope this doesn't mean they actually try the nuclear option" commentary? If the world's top physicists (not necessarily implying that Obama's and Chu have assembled such) were to claim that the nuclear option is a valid one and worth any potential risks then why wouldn't we do it? I expect Slashdot to be more Science-friendly than the typical "OMG NUKULAR == BAD!" crowd. I am not for nuclear proliferation but that doesn't mean that we must AVOID finding practical uses for them.

Comment "Earth Extinction Event" (Score 1) 799

This phrase strikes me as absolute and unnecessary FUD. The message is that if BP tries Russia's "mini-nuke" solution, which worked 5 out of 6 times tried, disregarding the fact that I don't believe it is currently even being considered, that we may all very well DIE. The oil spill is bad enough, let's not give a voice to "anonymous Chicken Littles".

Comment The Purpose of Investors (Score 1) 643

Investors certainly DO have a purpose! They (well, the good ones) don't just throw darts at a board, rather they analyze businesses and markets and sectors to decide which of them will produce the greatest return on investment, then they...invest! Giving money to those companies that will make the most of it IS EXACTLY HOW YOU MAXIMIZE GROWTH FOR THE ECONOMY. This is only true for longer-term investors, however. Short-term and "day traders" truly do offer very little beyond making the market "more efficient" in theory (and "more volatile" in practice)...

Comment Coin Pocket (Score 2, Insightful) 763

I shove my car remote in the right front coin pocket of my jeans, and let the rest of the keys dangle. That way the keys don't poke my leg or eat through my pocket liner. They do jingle, but it's not unbearable, and I've noticed that if/when I enter a quiet room I'll grab the keys with my hand or just carry them. The need for silent walking is rarer than you might think.

Comment The lady was the stalker (Score 1) 106

While it's possible that the photographing vehicle was "stalking" her, I find it just as likely that she was walking alongside the vehicle. Otherwise, how could you explain that this poor old lady happened to be in 43 different locations that the vehicle wanted to record?? 43 pics of the front of her house? Unlikely.

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