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Comment Political diatribes (Score 0) 342

Is this the same Lawrence Krauss who polluted the Scientific American for years with his leftist political diatribes? I have no problem with Comgress cutting the political dead wood from the Energy Department or any other department of government. There are enough activists in the bureaucracy.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 226

Well, you see:

The systemd integration finally allows the X server to run without root privileges, something in the works for a very long time. The non-PCI device improvements mean System-on-a-Chip graphics will work more smoothly, auto-enumerating just like PCI graphics devices do. As covered previously, GLAMOR (the pure OpenGL acceleration backend) has seen quite a bit of improvement, and now works with Xephyr and XWayland.

Comment Re:So was the landing successful? (Score -1) 112

Spaceflight now said this:

An update on the Falcon 9 first stage recovery via Twitter from Elon Musk: "Rocket booster reentry, landing burn & leg deploy were good, but lost hull integrity right after splashdown (aka kaboom)."

Looks like Musk fucked it up again. But that would never discourage you idiots.

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