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Comment Re:Moderation != Censorship (Score 1) 406

It depends on what analogy you use for your blog. If your blog is an anonymous bulletin board in which any idiot can post anything he likes, fine -- but don't expect decent people to spend much time there. Mine is a cocktail party in my own home.

It's still not "censorship," though. At most it is editorial selection.

Comment Re:Moderation != Censorship (Score 1) 406

Sounds like you're an idiot who thinks that censorship solely involves the government. It doesn't. Private entities can censor things.

Yes it does. YOU don't know what censorship means. Private entities are perfectly entitled to control the speech in spaces they own any way they like. If you come to a party at my house and start spouting offensive opinions, I'll throw you out. That's not censorship, that's being hospitable to my other guests.

Censorship is the use of government power and ONLY government power. All else is up for grabs.

Comment Get back in your tomb, Ayn. (Score 1) 1106

Skycaps and grocery baggers were an exploited underclass. Waiters and busboys still are. Socially just nations either go self-service or impose regulations to guarantee a decent living.

There's no tipping in restaurants in New Zealand because there's no need; the law requires that servers be paid a living wage. This is a far superior way to run a country.


RIAA: Google Failing To Demote Pirate Websites 165

Nerval's Lobster writes "The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) claims that Google has failed in its attempt to lower the search-results rankings of so-called 'pirate' Websites. "We have found no evidence that Google's policy has had a demonstrable impact on demoting sites with large amounts of piracy," read the report's summary (PDF). 'These sites consistently appear at the top of Google's search results for popular songs or artists.' Last August, Google indicated that it would start lowering the search-result rankings of Websites with high numbers of 'valid' copyright removal notices. 'This ranking change should help users find legitimate, quality sources of content more easily—whether it's a song previewed on NPR's music website, a TV show on Hulu or new music streamed on Spotify,' Amit Singhal, Google's senior vice president of Engineering, wrote in a corporate blog posting at the time. Google, which receives millions of copyright removal notices every month, also offers a counter-notice tool for those who believe their Websites have been unfairly targeted for copyright violations."

Secession Petitions Flood White House Website 1163

First time accepted submitter RNLockwood writes "Political.com reports that several petitions to secede from the Union have been created at the White House site, We The People, for many states; all since Obama's re-election. Texas and Louisiana lead the list with Texas needing only 7,000 more signatures to qualify for a White House response, probably less now as more Americans have become aware of the petitions. It would be interesting to see a comparison done of these petitions and the Post Election Racist Tweets Map."

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