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Comment Re:Actual range? (Score 1) 94

You’re not going to see these on trans-pacific container vessels, thats for sure. But if it can get shipping to the point where only the longer hauls use fuel then it should help. However, its important to consider that re-arranging distribution to have fewer trans-pacific routes in favor of using these to reposition the shipping containers will have an offset by the equipment on the working docks to move from one vessel to another.

Comment Point source radiation (Score 1) 62

Point source radiation always follows an inverse square law of attenuation. This holds true for EM radiation. There will always be an upper limit that cannot be breached. Its really up to other tricks to increase signal strength like tightening the signal direction to boost signal strength.

Comment Re:do not want (Score 1) 204

Did you actually read the article? Your takeaway should be that the parts of Amazons business that are impossible to make green include electronics manufacturing as well as air and sea freight. Even long haul trucking is currently diesel dependent. The last mile delivery sound like they are on track, but the reality is its not going to move their needle a lot because of the other parts of the business still polluting. Even if the last mile service was somehow 100% EV, it would not move the needle very much given the heavy use of air and sea shipments as well as the no-green-option of electronics manufacturing.

Comment Re:AFAIK, (Score 1) 20

Uhh dude, do your research. Mark Rober even did a youtube video on Zipline. The work they do in countries in africa is beyond impressive. I would consider these areas VERY rural. Their capture and recovery arrest system is extremely impressive. Being able to quickly deliver life saving supplies to hospitals where traditional delivery methods are extremely difficult has been a game changer. Just watch this video, if you arent impressed I will feel sorry for you.

Comment Re:Relative to a baseline without climate impacts (Score 5, Informative) 123

Did your income increase by 120%? How much of that was eviscerated by inflation? Most people have seen a meager 1-3% raise per year and for about 5 years following the 2009/2010 housing collapse quite a few got 0% raises. Cost of goods has more than doubled in the last 2 yrs alone. Numbers mean fuckall if your actual spending power is in the toilet. You could be paid $1000/hr but if a roll of toilet paper cost $1600 what good is your claim of wage increase?

Comment Re:2050?? (Score 1) 123

If anything is going to cause mass unemployment its not climate change, its AI. If Moores law remains in effect AI will create better robotics, which will be controlled by AI, and then even physical jobs like construction, welding, plumbing and electricians will be gone. Hell we wont even have jobs fixing the robots because another robot will do that too. 2050 might be entirely optimistic. Im no fan of UBI and laziness in general, but AI will eventually force the issue unless we get the robots to go on strike and revolt. That of course opens a new can of worms.

Comment Re:Discord needs to find a way to block this.... (Score 1) 49

Must be some crazy CA town or something. In the midwest most people know better than to bang on someone’s door at midnight. Thats a quick way to be staring down the barrel of a shotgun or rifle. Meanwhile, while being held at gunpoint till the police come to haul you away for trespassing and possibly terroristic threatening (who knows what threats you allegedly made) the homeowner is free to fuck with you by pretending to completely unstable, talking to the voices in your head, and ask you to get on your knees and pray for calmness so that the voices subside because right now theyre saying you have to die in self defense.

Comment Re:Guernica... (Score 1) 522

Apparently you misunderstand manifest destiny. To the victor go the spoils. Its not an illegal occupation 50yrs later. And what legal law do you refer? Some global government? Youre rather naive. Think Rome gave a shit about illegal occupation on all the lands that it conquered? Thats not how the world really works. Climb down from that ivory tower before some bully drags you down during a conflict. Your lack of preparation will be totally brutal for you.

Comment Re:US auto industry cedes the market again (Score 1) 283

I would be happy to see a shift away from oversized SUV and 2ton pickup trucks. Anything bigger than a toyota highlander is totally excessive. The weight to space ratio crashes making them terribly inefficient. Yet people keep buying them. Read an article about some idiot woman on tiktok who bought two $80k vehicles in the last couple years and is whining about a $1400 and $1600 a month car payments and how its more than her rent. Duh! Maybe dont spend $80k on a damn SUV or Truck!!

Comment Re:Thanks Biden (Score 2) 85

The wildcards are the Jill Stein and McCarthy players. They have a string potential to strip away swing votes from both parties. The voters who have to hold their nose while voting for someone they dislike only slightly less than the other candidate. Look at 1992 with Ross Perot to see what an impact this would have. Clinton is scared, he helped get Perot started as a benefit to his bid. He knows it’s strategy. Thats ehy he personally flew out to stop Machin and his No Labels party. He told Machin if he ran, it would guarantee a Trump win. I wouldnt place percentages until the whole gameboard is filled in. We could find ourselves with last minute candidates even among the national committee parties.

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