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Comment Re:Let's hold on a sec. I see what's she's doing. (Score 1) 162

Follow the blogs you've been hearing about.
Share the things that you love.

That is literally the biggest piece of text on their main page. I just looked it up right now. If you can't figure out what Tumblr is about, that is a deficiency with yourself, not the platform.

It sounds to me like marketing bullshit or a slogan - it doesn't really describe anything.

What actually happens on the site?

Does it just display feeds of popular blogs, and you get to recommend some?

Comment Re:Open set it is! (Score 1) 248

If you take all the primes from 2 to 23, and multiply them all then and one, you get 223092871 a non-prime, with 317 and 703763 as its prime factors.

I don't, however, see how it is obvious that multiplying all the primes in a list, then adding one, should mean that the result cannot be factorised by the original component primes.

Comment Re:Gaps between numbers... (Score 1) 248

Traditionally, when you're joking you should write something that's funny.

Let me demonstrate.

  "You want me to fix your toaster? Hold it firmly and run hot water over it, while putting its plug in the power outlet."
This is only funny if you get it.

Humor is suggesting a (absurd yet understandable) relation between unlikely things.

It also needs a degree of originality and unexpectedness to it - absurdity is not enough. I found rew's comment funny because I wasn't expecting that reply.

The toaster thing isn't funny at all. It's just nasty. Water + electrical appliances have been way overdone in both pop culture and humour.

Comment Re:How many of these planets are habitable? (Score 4, Informative) 81

From the article:
"Einstein's planet," formally known as Kepler-76b, is a "hot Jupiter" that orbits its star every 1.5 days. Its diameter is about 25 percent larger than Jupiter and it weighs twice as much. It orbits a type F star located about 2,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus.

The planet is tidally locked to its star, always showing the same face to it, just as the Moon is tidally locked to Earth. As a result, Kepler-76b broils at a temperature of about 2000 Kelvin.

Comment Re:Guitar playing (Score 4, Interesting) 212

Here's the video of him talking about playing the guitar in space.

Advantage is that you don't need a guitar strap, disadvantage is that you float around if you'd not holding something with your feet. Also tend to mis-fret when first in space.

You can see the velcro on it in the Bowie song, but i think that is more for stowage than use.

Comment Re:Why is this here? (Score 1) 629

Did you RTFA?

I see you purchased a low-ish UID from B'Trey. Or assassinated him and cracked his 1024-bit encrypted passwords.txt file with your quantum computer.

I understand you can hack the moderation system using a HOSTS file.

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