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Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

Trade has existed long before mathematics were formally codified.

Not really. The whole 60 seconds to a minute & minutes to hours is because the Babalonians used a base 60 counting system for trade - that's pushing math in trade back 5K years to when they BUILT THE WHOLE NUMBER SYSTEM AROUND IT.

Individual barter goes back earlier, but pretty much as soon as you get into "Trade", you need math to handle it.

Comment Re:Microsoft Products "Just Work" (Score 1) 579

but unfortunately when you go to do complicated things, you frequently find the Microsoft product has a feature to handle it and the open solution either doesn't or it is rather messy.

Can you provide some examples? I generally find that the OS versions of software conform to the guidelines of GUI design as well as MS products do. I also find that the error messages provided in OS software are usually more informative than Microsoft's.

Comment Re:Document formats... (Score 1) 579

MS Office didn't read or write OOXML, and just after it was passed they said it never would. So if 2013 is working with it now - great. Just one thing - could they please explain the "asWord98" flags? As a full and complete standard, "do it like MS Word 98 would have" isn't exactly proper. In fact it's so incomplete that last time I used Word, it couldn't import documents from 2003 let alone 98.

Comment Re:Freedom of Expression... (Score 1) 424

Btw, how do you distinguish between defamation/slander and critics in the US?

If the statements are true or opinions:

  1. The service was poor - I had to request silverware 3 times before I could eat my salad. Not libel/slander/defamation if true.
  2. There was a cockroach in my salad. Not libel/slander/defamation if true.
  3. The food was bland and flavorless. - opinion

Comment Re:OCA (Score 1) 184 The US Government used their privilege to avoid embarrassment - claiming the crash report exposed damaging information about the classified equipment being tested on the flight - when the document was de-classified, the only comment was that it was testing classified equipment and the equipment was unrelated to the crash. From the start, the government has been lying about the need to classify information simply to avoid accountability, is it surprising that they are not trusted to do so?

Comment Re:Another Snowden lie, given the circumstances. (Score 1) 346

Given that the Russian government is protecting him as much as they are, he handed some intelligence over to buy himself some time. That's the most likely manner in which they'd offer him protection.

Not really - it's cheap political theater. He's a highly public figure that the US desperately wants back on US soil - it costs Russia nothing to have him & they gain a lot of 'respectability' points for sheltering a US dissident from the wrath of "an out of control US government". The political points for having Snowden lecture the US on privacy issues & transparency from Moscow are huge - Russia couldn't buy a better venue to tweak Uncle Sam's nose.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 2) 278

"patents they've never disclosed" is kind of a contradiction in terms. Usually the claim is that they haven't disclosed which patents are being cross-licensed.

"Patents they've never disclosed" is acurate. They go to companies using Android and say - "Linux uses our patents, pay us or else.", but they never disclose which patents Linux infringes on - they just take the money for a no-sue promise.

Comment Re:Nice summary (Score 4, Informative) 278

Actually, 2.25% was the opening request - the same opening request they made to Nokia, Sony, and a bunch of other companies. MS ran to the courts to complain rather than negotiate. Not sure how it's abusive to make an initial offer that's higher than you expect to get. Now, had Motorola/Google refused to negotiate that 2.25%, it might be abusive - but that's not what happened.

Comment Re:SPOILERS (Score 4, Informative) 1233

Silver nitrate in the film will set off the detectors they use - as will a wide variety of hand lotions and even perfumes.
Other things that will set off the detector/test if you handle your lugage at any time while contaminated with them include:
  • potting soil, grass patch, plant food, and of course straight fertilizer.
  • Cleaning products - anything with amonia in it.
  • attending a show with pyrotechnics
  • gun powder residue - black or smokeless.
  • nitrate based medicines for heart conditions
  • insecticides

The list goes on, but the point is, even transporting your lugage in the same trunk as you carried potting soil in 2 months ago is going to get you flagged as a positive. After that, it's going down hill for you.

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