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Comment Re:And why should they care? (Score 1) 441

Actually, it's very nearly the same length. The original poster was claiming that the whole sentence was empty and should have been left out, and yet you're re-stating it in a minimal way (that doesn't indicate any communications skills at all beyond the ability to write technical documentation, a third purpose of the sentence) that's still around 5% of the total length of the essay requirement.

Interesting how a sentence that struck one reader as pointless turns out to be so important when you sit down and think about it in-context.

Yeah, she has said something. But it is redundant to state it in eight colorfully different ways. Every sentence in her essay is screaming "I'm aware of the world outside my chosen field, capable of ignoring rules and aware of consequences", yet not every sentence is necessary to convey this. To quote another in this thread, she could've written,

while dead_horse:

Comment Re:And why should they care? (Score 5, Insightful) 441

For concrete ways to downsize essays like hers, refer to the Elements of Style.

My favorite quote from the book,

Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.

Comment Re:And why should they care? (Score 4, Insightful) 441

Honestly. She's not that good.

On her blog she writes,

I liked my essay every bit as much as I remembered I did, so I thought I'd post it on here. I must say again, this is a piece I am awfully proud of... Word count: 447. Couldn't have done it in less.

Emphasis on the "Couldn't have done it in less."

Please. She starts her essay with a sentence reminiscent of a dark and stormy night,

The world I come from is full of oak trees and rain, warm cats on cold nights, and raucous college parties across the street.

And continues to non-inform us of anything but her ability to fill space,

The sky over my home matches the grey in my eyes; the barbed wire fence around Lake Sequoyah is commemorated eternally by the disfiguration of my left hip.

And she concludes her first paragraph with a phrase cleverly coined yet meaningless for all but one,

My world is eight friends in a bed meant for two, the hidden tunnels of the mall, and semi-weekly trips to ogle gadgets at Best Buy.

I could go on, but I've been terribly bored.

Her essay could easily have been summed up in 250 words. She has demonstrated that she can connect subjects and verbs and direct objects in an acceptably understandable way. Mission accomplished. But she certainly did not need a 500 word limit.

Comment Re:Scary clinical trial (Score 0) 317

No, they just went to a population where HIV is already relatively common and a large number of people don't usually take adequate precautions against it (i.e. use condoms) and then studied the effects of the vaccine on that population's total infection rate over time.

How do you know? I RTFA, and I don't see it mention their procedures anywhere.

Are you sure they didn't expose these people to HIV as part of the trial? Then these statistics seem even more dubious, no?

I'm a bit confused. How do they conduct these trials and how do they make sure they are accurate?

Comment Re:RSX-11, RT-11 and RSTS/E (Score 1) 875

If you don't consider the RSX family major operating systems, you're displaying your ignorance of computing history.

You've missed the point of my question entirely.

What defines major? A general consensus? Impact? Legacy? Longevity?

If impact, if legacy, then perhaps the RSX is the answer to the GGP's question. But for a minor OS to outlive what is being heralded as major, how can this be? Milestone, perhaps. Major? Maybe not.

Comment Re:RSX-11, RT-11 and RSTS/E (Score 2, Interesting) 875

Has there ever been a major OS that simply went away, period?

I think RSX-11, RT-11 and RSTS/E fit that. Some of the PDP operating systems are dead probably because they're still closed source otherwise I'm guessing hobbyists would still be maintaining them.

Well, I think the problem is in the question. Would you call it major if it did go away, period? I'd argue it wasn't major, at least not enough.

Comment Re:Wrong question (Score 1) 899

I think you're a troll, but I'll bite anyway. As someone who is fascinated with all things science related, I bemoan the total apathy towards science within the community. However, I feel that it is important to point out that it is not just science that is being neglected by the community; politics, philosophy, social conscience and other highly important fields have also been totally lost to the common mind.

The common mind.

Oxymoron? Irony? Paradox? I can't decide.

Or are you just going for the pun?

Comment Re:It's about damn time. (Score 2, Insightful) 576

See, but my questions is this. How come the apology is only extended to Alan Turing? Surely many more homosexuals were mistreated and subject to injustice during the laws of this period of time. Alan Turing gets a special apology, but did the rest? Do we only apologize to those of our society who 'contribute' or who are unique and special? Even the least of people deserve fair treatment, do they not?

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