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Comment Re:Fear Mongers Didn't Want to Let Cassini Fly (Score 1) 45

Keep in mind, that while he has had a lot of papers published, the majority of the physical models of the universe he's supported have now been proven wrong (or are pretty close to being proven wrong)

Being proven wrong is a good thing in science. The more we prove wrong, the better supported our remaining hypotheses become. We need more people who come up with falsifiable theories that fit our current knowledge, so we can narrow things down further.

But yeah, the sensationalism is not doing science any favors. I cringe when I see Morgan "We only use ten percent of our brain" Freeman present Michio Kaku yet again.

Comment Re: i don't wanna hear how lazy americans are. (Score 1) 120

I think I did an image search for "obesity country year", and then went into the web sites of the more interesting charts to find the sources.

Regular Google searches have become less useful these days, as advertisers and "famous sites" appear to be bumped towards the top even for the regular results. So I more often start with an image search to narrow it down to places that have information, not something to sell. Unfortunately, I think it's only a matter of time before Google catches on to this, and skews image search results too. But for now, image searches tend to be more honest, especially when you want statistical results.

Comment Re: i don't wanna hear how lazy americans are. (Score 1) 120

Are you by any chance British?
In both Scandinavia and Germany, I've always been expected to strip down, at least to my undies, but bare when needed.

Here in the US, you generally have to put on a gown, so the lascivious doctors can't get a peek at your innocent and pure body. (In reality, so you can't sue them for doing so. And possibly so they can charge extra for the single-use gowns.)
In tent sized gowns, there's no way the doctor can spot whether you're getting fatter and losing muscle mass, or have skin cancer for that matter.
They will even smuggle the stethoscope under the gown so you won't have to take it off and expose unholy flesh.

Comment Re: i don't wanna hear how lazy americans are. (Score 1) 120

Don't forget the advantages of traditions of healthier cuisine, and better regulation of food manufacturers.

And socialized healthcare. There's no reason to not go see a doctor, who will tell you how serious your obesity has, and get you help if you need it. That European doctors usually see the patients nude, probably also makes them more aware of who needs a pep talk before it becomes a real problem.

Comment Re: i don't wanna hear how lazy americans are. (Score 4, Informative) 120

statistically germans and english are about as fat... Some years, I think they've surpassed us.

I actually looked this up. For every year there are figures, the US obesity rate has been more than twice as high as Germany.
As for the UK, they're up there too, but has never had a higher rate than the US.

Many of the pacific countries have an even higher percentage of obesity, but among OECD countries, the US ranks top.

Comment Re: i don't wanna hear how lazy americans are. (Score 2) 120

really the whole "americans are fat" thing is mostly a product of misinformation at this point.

Um, no. The obesity here in the US is exceptional.

And really, I don't see why any country should be ashamed of a statistic like this... does it lead to higher incidents of heart disease? Sure... and? People chose bacon over low cholesterol... get over it.

Many supermarkets here supply their obese customers with scooter like shopping carts because they're to fat to walk.
Levi's sells jeans with a 58" waist.
We've become the laughing stock of the world.

Comment Re:The 4th of December? (Score 4, Informative) 340

You are totally correct of course. Fuck the founding fathers for not holding off until winter before starting a war of independence against a tyrant. THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.

You can't be American, because you're apparently unaware that the Declaration of Independence was signed long after the war started.

It also didn't take effect until years later, when we became independent. Our nation's birthday is September 3 1783. July 4 1776 was more like a baby shower during pregnancy.

Comment Re:Hello Americans (Score 3, Informative) 340

A lot of us don't live in the US and couldn't give a damn about 4 July.

I live in the US and couldn't give a cluck about July 4.

As for fireworks, the US sure picked the worst time of the year for those. Not only is it too bright to see them well, at least in the Northern states, but it's also a season where it's easy to start fires.

Comment Re:I'm not so sure... (Score 4, Insightful) 185

Where's the line between "fantasy" and "conspiring"?
Surely you must have one defined to be able to make your judgement call?

And what's up with restricting people we find creepy for what they might do? I honestly think you are creepy and that you have the potential to commit some heinous acts. Should we put you under constant watch and psych monitoring too?

Due process. It's not a difficult concept.

Comment Re:Aren't all SMS charges pretty much bogus? (Score 1) 110

Relatedly, T-Mobile US doesn't charge for texts at all. None of their plans in the last year or so *don't* including unlimited SMS/MMS, and lot of their earlier ones had unlimited messages too.

That's only true for domestic SMS. You can't even send or receive a single SMS internationally without paying a $10 monthly fee first. After that, whether you have to pay extra per message too depends on the country.

True, you might not have no friends or other contacts elsewhere in the world, but that's certainly not the case for me.

Comment Re:Embarrasment (Score 1) 198

If you can't bear to move your head, might I suggest you sit further away from your monitor?

It's not so much "can't bear", as "can't".

Moving a bigger monitor further back won't do the same. Think about it - do a projection from your eyes to the edges of a small monitor and further on until the diagonal is 50% larger. At that point, the monitor would be embedded deeply into the desk to get the same angles.

No, a high DPI smaller IPS monitor would be welcome. The technology is clearly there.
An angled monitor that tilts backwards like CRTs used to would also be welcome. Looking down is far less tiresome than looking up.

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