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Comment Blogvertizing (Score 2) 500

The submission is actually about ad harvesting by a blogger linking to NYT article written by someone who know nothing about subject matter for the sole purpose to gather eyeballs in first place.
How this amounts to "news" or anything remotely worth putting on /. is completely beyound me.

Comment Re:I don't see this happening in the US. (Score 1) 705

A 2007 USDA study found that receiving Food Stamps long term (24 months) was associated with a 50% increased obesity rate among female adults
http://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/32855/PDF Our poor is OBESE for god's sake.

Also, if a person satisfies criteria for food stamps he/she will also be eligible for other goverment handouts like housing assistance, Medicaid, disability payments etc.
For example, a child he/she also will be receiving free lunches at school which will cover 2 out of three daily meals.

Do not make it sound like $133/person is all they are going to get.

Comment Re:I don't see this happening in the US. (Score 0, Flamebait) 705

I have to disagree. The only way to get hungry in US is to blow all your food stamps on liquer and dope. It's actually hard to stay fit with all cheap junk peddled on every corner. If you think a dude on a street with a cardboard sign "Just hungry" is really do not have anything to eath try to give him a sandwich.

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