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Comment Re:And your major concern is really... (Score 2) 269

>If you're driving a sports car and parking is a few blocks away those guys are fighting to get to park your car instead of Grandpa's Cadillac next in line. Frankly, it's just too much fun

Most sports cars also make the car weak and wimpy when the valet key is inserted. Engine RPMs are capped, suspension is softened like crazy, acceleration is less than half of what it is when unrestricted, etc. Not to mention a special trip meter that shows up (next to the odometer) that tracks total miles driven while the valet key was used. This helps cut down on joyriding.

Comment Re:3D plotter (Score 0) 69

Also, the printed part has less than 10% of the tensile strength of a cast part of the same material and dimensions (because the layers themselves aren't joined very much, if at all). They're great for visualizing how something will look or how parts will fit together, but you're insane if you think that you're going to be able to actually use the part for anything aside from looking at it.

They've been an incredibly useful tool in engineering for decades because having a three-dimensional representation of a part is very useful. It's only recently that a bunch of "makers", entirely ignorant of what the technology is used for, decided to try and use it to produce real parts that are subjected to real loads. They're using the wrong tool for the wrong job. Using a 3D printer to make functional parts is like using a weed whacker as a hammer.

Comment Re:As a matter of fact... (Score 5, Insightful) 408

They didn't buy you at fair value. They said that you could either sell to them at a severe loss, or they would make their own version of your product and put you out of business.

With all the charity Bill Gates has been making press releases about lately, people seem to have forgotten that he received all that money in the first place by building a monopoly and using incredibly anti-competitive business tactics.

Comment More hype about Oculus, news at eleven! (Score 0) 65

I'll believe it when I can buy it, put it on, download a game, and play in 3D. Until then, it's just more vaporware. We've been hearing about the Oculus for years now, and everyone keeps claiming that it's "almost ready", but it's still not available yet. Their insistence that it'll be ready "when it's ready" is less than comforting.

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 75

It's basically a second Treasurer of the United States ( ). Just another useless position for the purpose of appointing minorities and women to positions within the government in order to score political points.

Comment Re:Illegal (Score 5, Insightful) 182

Yeah. I really don't get the nutjobs around here who run around bitching about how Taxis need less and less regulation. It's like they have no idea what it was like before the regulations were put in place. It's not like some politicians got together and conspired over the course of several decades to regulate an industry for the sole purpose of being dicks. Those regulations were instituted because taxi drivers and taxi companies were doing incredibly unethical things that were causing damage to both people and to the economy.

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