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Comment Re:So? (Score 3, Interesting) 166

Yes, there's no "need" to pirate per se. But in several cases getting that content legitimately, in Europe, is close to impossible. We are not talking just "delayed release" as the parent poster said, we are also talking about stuff that never, ever, is released commercially in Europe or regions of Europe for whatever reason. Not to mention some European countries like Spain do everything in their power to prevent you from legally purchasing products from other regions, or at least make it much more expensive than it should.

This is different as don't wanting to play by their terms, this is literally having no terms to play with in several cases. And I understand his sentiment, it's a big deal when China can't have those, but when Europe doesn't have US-produced content, shows or articles, nobody gives a damn and we even get called out on pirating stuff we can't purchase without being rich. Please.

Maybe that doesn't bug you, but it's a thing that happens, believe it or not.

Comment Re:Google- (Score 3, Insightful) 93

I don't know, I think the same thing and I don't think it's about sticking it to the man, it's just that youtube and gmail/g+/etc are radically different things that should be separate. They will track me anyway, so let me have my video channel separate from a service I am not going to use and didn't ask for in the first place.

It annoys me that trying to comment on Youtube requires having extra sites whitelisted, there's a checkbox that is always enabled by default to post comment to G+, and alerts and notifications are usually not related to youtube itself.

So I don't think the parent post is anti-theman, I think it's just anti G+, which is a perfectly reasonable opinion. The ones that want G+ can just go there and use it, the rest shouldn't be forced to use it if they want to keep their Youtube channel up.

Comment Re:Why dont you jack wagons get permission to pain (Score 1) 126

I know of a bunch of shops and bakeries that hired graffiti artists to paint something on their fence, and in all cases it was a great job. You can only see them when the shop is closed, but still. Some towns also let good stuff survive. Not all graffiti is some idiot tagging a wall.

Although, in this very specific case it's just vandalism. The drone can't even be manipulated to draw a sorry smiley face or a square or anything, it just gets the wall dirty at random. It's not even a drone given how poorly controlled it is. It's a wannabe drone.

Comment Saw the video (Score 1) 126

I expected the little widdle drone doing know, that resembled a drawing or a pattern, even if it's just a signature or a smiley face or a pattern of dots or something.

Instead the poor bugger just stumbles around with a constant stream of paint. That's not very artistic at all, it just gets the wall dirty.
The drone in the video does what any RC quadcopter would do if you attached a permanently-on paint spray to it. For someone regarded as an artist I expected something...artistic. Or at least technologically advanced or autonomous or using a complex control system, this being Slashdot and all.

Yeah naive me for expecting something else, I know, my fault entirely.

Comment Re:no mention of Flash games? Kongregate, anyone? (Score 1) 181

One thing most people doesn't realize is that there is a part of the developer population that is that crazy (as some put it) to code for free. Because they really want to make games. Of course 90% of everything is crap, whether it's Kongregate, Newgrounds, communities centered on pre-made engines (such as LÃve, MMF, gamemaker, Unity, etc), or just plain hobbyists with a website or github repo and nothing else. But there is good stuff out there, and shouldn't be underestimated because it's given for free.

For me, and many others, having the finished product in your hands (figuratively speaking), playing it, having others play it... is the true reward. We love games, we love making games.
You can tell a lot of people in the industry love paychecks instead of games, and that's why we have stuff like Zynga or EA at its worst.

Of course, I am not trying to say that wanting to be paid for your efforts is a bad thing, far from it! But for some people, making a game is its own reward.

Comment Re:Elderly Amish (Score 1) 230

Yet you are connected to the Internet. If they really really really wanted to know who you are, they can find out just from this post. But hopefully they don't have time to do that, that'd be just silly.

Although, not using a phone? Not even a public phone for an emergency call? How did you manage?

Comment Re:Spain loves Android (Score 3, Interesting) 161

I can confirm this, and that's considering Barcelona is a hotter spot for Apple than other cities, where Apple only has a small corner in a number of shops. Their presence is growing slowly but steadily, but the market here usually prefers those local kiosks for availability and price, and they predominantly offer Android devices of most brands.
Towns and cities with Apple Stores usually have only one of it, whereas there are dozens of sellers for Android devices scattered all over, predominantly in malls as you said.

Offers are usually pretty cheap subsidized phones, and even for free with binding contracts, and they even renew your phone once every year in several cases, for minimal or no cost. However, as you probably realized, this stops being nice and shiny the moment there's any issue or nonstandard need whatsoever. Every side service, from tech support to repairs, is sub-par. Most people will go around with busted phones waiting for a renewal instead of bothering to repair it, which is notoriously complicated, requires a lot of time (and trips) and it usually ends just in replacing the thing entirely.

The prices, the complicated repairs, and the large availability kind of created a culture of changing phones very regularly, even in people with limited income. Good repair shops exist, but they tend to be little electronics workshops in some little corner that you only learn about by word of mouth, and are only used when you are attached to your device for some reason (sentimental value, niche features, etc), or when someone wants to unlock a phone to use with other provider's SIM card.

Comment Re:Spain loves Android (Score 1) 161

Well most phone operators will give you deals for Android phones, not iPhones. Apple products have always been notoriously expensive for Spain. Also, Spain is quite impoverished right now, which doesn't help "luxury" things like an iPhone getting sold.

Apple Stores only started having a presence well past the iPod days, so there isn't that much of a cult following for it as in other places. Of course there are regional differences, you will see more Apple presence (and following) on Madrid and Barcelona than other places.

Also, many developers are unemployed (Spain has a ridiculous unemployment rate since the Real State Bubble popped that has been exacerbated by the latest labor reform), and can't face the yearly cost of the Apple SDK. For that reason, as well, most "cheap money-grabby apps linked to certain service, company-or-product-or-tv-show" are developed for Android in Spain, since they rely on the ease to find a Java developer desperate for a paid job and the higher amount of downloaders for that platform.

So, in short, you'd say it's local preference due to lower income reasons. Apple is trying as far as I can tell, as new iStuff tends to be available shortly after the American release, which is a rarer sight than you'd expect. I remember having issues finding any phone (vendor-locked sale or not) using Android 4.x in January of 2013, where iPhones were at their latest US release in every shop I visited.

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