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Comment More creedence to the rogue planet theory? (Score 1) 110

I think a planet like this is just more data backing up the rogue planet theory that some planets have formed either outside of solar systems with a star and/or have been flung out of their solar system when the system came too close to either a black hole or other solar systems. Or for transference of a planet from one solar system into another.

Comment Jobs would never have let that out the door... (Score -1) 326

I'm pretty serious with that statement. Steve Jobs would have never let that update out without testing it on every device model. He also would have probably quashed the problems within a couple days by releasing an official statement with an official "fix" to at least rollback the device to an older version (i.e. would have removed the version control checks from the updater). And then the majority of the angry mob would have calmed down since they have a working phone again, and given them time to fix the real problem in the new version.

Comment Re:Another EVE online? (Score 3, Informative) 88

No, this is actually flying/piloting a spaceship in WWII style dog-fights (with the aid tracking/locking computers, but aiming I believe will be up to the pilot for many ships/guns). Damage occurs based on what was actually hit by the aimed shots which ships having physical locations for things like engines, weapons, life systems, power generators, shields, armor, thrusters, etc., and damaging those different systems will physically affect the operation of the ship (i.e. if you lost all your port thrusters, and the ship doesn't have have a thruster on a gimbal/omni mount, you won't be able to turn to the starboard side (and would instead have to first roll the ship upside down so that you have active/working thrusters so you could then turn to the direction now that you have thrusters that work to push you there).

So actual flying skills will mater. Knowing how to properly dodge enemy fire, perform evasive maneuvers (possibly overriding safety systems that limit the G-forces you receive to do more extreme maneuvers, but then risking blacking out if you go beyond your body's and your suit's limits to keep oxygen going to your brain).

Comment Re:Another EVE online? (Score 2) 88

You forgot that the combat is also twitch/skill based and not formula based. In Eve, 1v1 combat is all about knowing your ship's strengths and weaknesses, outfitting it properly to exploit those said strengths and weaknesses and knowing which targets are most vulnerable to your strengths with least ability to threaten your weaknesses... This plus the number of skill points the pilot has giving bonuses to the skills that affect the strengths/weaknesses of the ship.

In gang fights (which most fights are), it is mostly about who has the best logistics and/or best concentrated DPS (typically the group with the most people will win, but not always).

Comment Re:Stock IPO (Score 2) 88

Well, that is due to proper market analysis more so than anything else. It is obviously in the best interest of the current share holders to properly evaluate the stock price before an IPO. An accurate evaluation with erroring on the side of being low means it will grow in price out of the gate, allowing those early backers a chance to sell their existing stock without fear of flooding the market with sell orders when there are no buy orders for the stock.

Comment Re:"all for AN game" (Score 1, Informative) 88

The use of "an" instead of "a" is determined by the beginning of the word after the "an" or "a". If the word following it is in singular form and begins with a vowel sound, "an" is used. Otherwise "a" is used for the singular form.

This rule is not unlike many other languages. In Spanish, for instance, verbs take on a masculine or feminine form depending on if the subject is a male or female....

Comment It can be mitigated by simple actions... (Score 1) 67

Reviews on these sites can be mitigated by requiring that the person purchased the item and wait a week before they can make the review on the site they are posting the review. It won't stop it entirely, but it sure would slow it down, especially in the beginning when it is a new product as they wouldn't be able to start launch day with 50-100 reviews (especially on physical goods that have not even shipped yet). Only verified owners would be able to review it. Digital items are a little more tricky, but still the 1 week wait would force people to spend a little more time with it before making a snap review...

Comment Re:Self Taught (Score 1) 655

I hate to say it but you may be a little short sighted in your current view. Yes, you learn many different things by actually doing instead of learning in school. But those are two completely different kinds of things that you are learning, and a good school/college/university will be able to get you both the experience in doing as well as the experience in academia that will get your the step up on others.

Your current experience exists in those 2 jobs, a helpdesk job, and a municipal IT job. But you have not experienced (or maybe you have) the biggest problem without having the degree, being getting HR at companies to not simply toss your resume into the round filing bin (i.e. trashcan) when they do the first pass on their resume's to see if they meet the requirements of "Degree in CS/ECE/IST".

Comment Re:can "do quantum mechanics" at school (Score 1) 71

No. The "wave function" is only tangentially related to the concept of whether light acts like a wave, a particle, or has some kind of duality. It is tangentially related only because as you dig into the quantum mechanical nature of the universe, you end up with this statistical function that we happen to use the word "wave" in its name.

Wow. In the words of Pauli, that is not even wrong.

First off, the wavefunction is not a statistical function. And "wavefunction" includes that "wave" word for a very good reason. You are, I suspect, perfectly capable of reading an introductory quantum mechanics text. You just have chosen not to and yet feel the need to spout nonsense as if you were an expert.

Comment Re:can "do quantum mechanics" at school (Score 1) 71

Neither the two-slit experiment nor the three-polarizing filters experiment show anything particularly quantum mechanical. Both would work just fine if light were a pure wave.

Umm.... isn't that what quantum mechanics is about? That everything can be described by a wavefunction (i.e. as a "pure wave?") Even if it weren't so, the three-polarizer experiment is an excellent demonstration of the counterintuitive properties of projections, which is key to understanding QM.

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