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Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 993

"A re-buy of Office for Mac starts at $150"

For my old Windows machine I spent $200 on the Windows home version Office (2002, I think?) because my wife insisted on having Excel (for basic household budgeting).

When I bought my Mac, I tried the pre-installed eval version of iWork '09 and got my wife to play with the Numbers spreadsheet and we have not looked back.

iWork makes Office look *decidedly* dated in most respects. And iWork '09 only costs $79.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 2, Informative) 993

Me too. I bought a MacBook after Christmas, and since then I bought CSSEdit, Espresso, the recent MacHeist3 bundle, iWork, and I'm that close to buying OmniGraffle (except that one's a little too expensive and I'm getting by fine with the free eval version).

I can't remember the last time I actually *bought* software for my old Windows machine.

Mac OS X gets lots of press, but the people who build these great little software apps for Mac should get more praise.

Comment not relevant (Score 2, Insightful) 827

Surely this decision is about 10 years too late and such a change would no longer be relevant to the industry.

IE was a massive money pit for Microsoft, and its only purpose was to protect Windows as the dominant application platform. It worked.

But with the rise of Web 2.0 and hand helds like Blackberry and iPhone, Windows is no longer the dominant application platform -- no one is actually building applications for Windows anymore, as far as startups are concerned, it's a "dead" platform.

Therefore whether Windows ships with IE or not is now moot. No one (with the exception of Opera) is trying to make money that way anymore. That ship has sailed.

Comment i'd like to see... (Score 1) 641

I like the approach of casually rating the performance of common tasks (copying files, zipping files, installing Office, and so on).

But what I'd like to see is the tasks rated with the time it took, not just ranked 1, 2, 3. I mean, is the difference from #1 to #3 just a couple seconds, or it is minutes? 10 seconds versus 13 seconds to copy 100 megs is negligible, but if it's 10 seconds versus 110 seconds, then that's something care about!

Also, do all the tests on the same hardware. And so the tests for Mac Leopard and Snow Leopard too. NOW that would be a cool article!


Submission + - $1 US == $1 CAD (

boxlight writes: "US dollar and Canadian dollar are now equal; on par for the first time since 1976.

This is actually bad for the profits of Canadian corporations that sell their products to the US for US dollars (Canada sells far more to the US that the US sells to Canada); but it's pretty cool from a perception level.

It also means us Canucks will get cheaper Macs as the Canadian prices get closer to US prices with every new release. ;)"

PC Games (Games)

Submission + - what are the current do-not-miss PC games?

boxlight writes: "Hi Slashdot. I'm looking at getting a new game or two for my PC. The last game I played and got severely addicted to was Call Of Duty: United Offensive. (I tried Call Of Duty 2 but didn't like it as much because the online maps were smaller and they took out the vehicles.) Before that the only other game I liked was X-Wing, and I did play a little bit of the original SimCity way back when.

So my question for Slashdot is what are the current coolest games. I tend to prefer games that require a little more strategy than an arcade style shoot-em-up. I'd really like to try something new and I'm up for anything. Thanks!"

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