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Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 589

Actually, I have to side with Microsoft on your example. Outlook uses the semicolon because RFC822's standard of using a comma is not appropriate. The default nomenclature for a name is "Last, First Middle". That's not Microsoft's selection, that's the English standard to make alphabetic names easy. Since the friendly name uses this nomenclature, and because modern applications search contact databases against this friendly name, and because it's a major point of usability that users should be able to use friendly or partial names, and because there's no way to tell if a comma should be part of a friendly name or separate addresses, specifying a different address separator is simply superior design.

Microsoft may be against RFC, but the RFC is defining an aberrant standard that doesn't work in the real world. The RFC demands that usability be impacted for zero benefit -- the only benefit of using the comma over any other character separator is obeying the standard. The RFC is in error.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 589

The trick is that, built into your software will be some extra freebie small feature you can't escape from. Once your users start using that feature, they are hooked and can't escape.

Our users are tricked into using software with features they like and actually make their jobs easier! What a dastardly move by Microsoft in actually making a product that the end user prefers! How dare they compete so unfairly! It's like they think the quality of the product matters.

Comment Re:Exceptional (Score 4, Informative) 51

There's a reason the court documents are so often linked like this. It's on page one of the two page syllabus at the very beginning of the linked in the summary:

(a) Section 285 imposes one and only one constraint on district courts’ discretion to award attorney’s fees: The power is reserved for“exceptional” cases. Because the Patent Act does not define “exceptional,” the term is construed “in accordance with [its] ordinary meaning.” Sebelius v. Cloer, 569 U. S. ___, ___. In 1952, when Congress used the word in 285 (and today, for that matter),“[e]xceptional” meant “uncommon,” “rare,” or “not ordinary.” Webster’s New International Dictionary 889 (2d ed. 1934). An “exceptional” case, then, is simply one that stands out from others with respect to the substantive strength of a party’s litigating position (considering both the governing law and the facts of the case) or the unreasonable manner in which the case was litigated. District courts may determine whether a case is “exceptional” in the case-by-case exercise of their discretion, considering the totality of the circumstances. Cf. Fogerty v. Fantasy, Inc., 510 U. S. 517. Pp. 7–8.

These are former lawyers working so lawyers don't get away with something they should not, and the court is expected to concretely justify its rulings. Everything is defined and stated as clearly as possible.

Comment Re:ARM is the new Intel (Score 0) 110

I think Intel wanted to try to scale the x86 down. That's where the Atom came from. Unfortunately, they could never get it to work on a power scale that competes with ARM before ARM hit 1 GHz. That seems to be the speed at which processors become good enough to do most anything useful. With the Cortex-A8, the Atom was in serious trouble. The Atom is now positioned as too much for a tablet or phone (and doesn't support most Android apps) and not enough for desktop or laptop (it can't handle more resource intensive x86 apps, like the Windows GUI or video). That's a pretty awkward spot.

Comment Re:ARM is the new Intel (Score 5, Insightful) 110

The PC is the mainframe.

No, the PC is the refrigerator. Tablets are the beds. A home needs exactly one refrigerator (more are a luxury), but it needs about one bed per person. Now consider that people have been sleeping in refrigerators for the past 20 years. Thus, the market for refrigerators is highly over-saturated, and the market for beds is seeing explosive growth as millions of people have never had one before. In the end, though, everybody still needs a refrigerator. There may come a day when they don't, but everybody knows that a refrigerator isn't a bed.

Yes, the metaphor is a bit strained.

Point being that consumers are realizing that tablets do about 90% of what they want in a PC, so they just buy tablets. That doesn't mean they don't occasionally need something for that remaining 10%. We may see tablet docks that turn a tablet PC into a full desktop setup, but we're not there yet. I can browse the web, watch a movie, play a song, look up information, and type an email or text on a tablet or phone. I can probably do my online banking -- although it's a bit cumbersome. I wouldn't want to write a paper, or seriously manage my finances, or do photo editing, or do my taxes on a tablet (unless I was single, had no kids, had one job which withheld taxes, and did not own a home).

Besides, all Intel has to do is make a better ARM than ARM. They did that before when AMD introduced AMD64, and now that Intel fabs ARM, they can learn the ins and outs of that, since obviously there's something there that they missed. Intel still has the most advanced fabrication plants in the world. It would be foolish to write them off so quickly.

Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score 1) 798

This is because, just like the student in this story, schools have been punished for doing the right thing in the past. Teachers and administrators that go out on a limb to protect students at the cost of the district get removed by the board of education because some parent will complain regardless of what is done.

The issue is that they need to fix the goddamn wiretapping laws, and police and prosecutors need to learn some goddamn discretion.

Comment Re:That isn't what a CSci degree is for (Score 5, Interesting) 287

I agree. Using the term "Computer Science" for what most degree programs teach is purely the result of the growth of the industry. 70 years ago you couldn't get a Computer Science degree. 50 years ago, you could get a Computer Science degree without ever having used an actual computer. 30 years ago, the only degree in computing you could get was Computer Science, and it encompassed the whole of the field. 20 years ago, Computer Science began to mean "software" instead of Electrical Engineering's "hardware". 10 years ago, the field was so broad, so diverse, and encompassed so many disparate technologies that required significant specialization that you could get a specialization certificate on your CS degree. Today, you can get a 4 year Bachelor's in any number of fields including Information Technology (sysadmin, netadmin), Information Systems (DBA, Systems Analysis), Information Management (management for IT), Software Engineering (web design, application programming). Computer Science is again a theoretical area of research and development on the theory of computers. All these other fields born from this CS research once again free it to be what it once was: mathematicians and logicians playing with number machines.

Comment Re:Probably typical (Score 1) 121

The school district I work at uses a messaging system which is capable of sending phone calls (pre-recorded or computer generated voice), email, SMS, and twitter. We also contact the local news agencies if the emergency requires it (school closures, etc.). We also use it for attendance calls for students with unexcused absences or tardies. Parents are signed up for phone calls (required at time of registration) and email (if given) by default, but they have to opt in for SMS.

We still have parents who don't know about school emergencies.

Comment Re:Not malicious but not honest? (Score 2, Interesting) 447

Programmers are human. They'll make a ton of mistakes.

Doctors are human. We hold them accountable for their mistakes. Engineers are human. We hold them accountable for their mistakes. Indeed, we hold just about everybody accountable for their on-the-job mistakes and the consequences of their mistakes result in everything from terminations to criminal proceedings.

So, when should programmers be held accountable for their mistakes, and how should be respond as a society?

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