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Comment Re:Well... at least it isnt a Populist move (Score 1) 904

Do you see the pattern there? 4 or 8 year terms. One comes in, does some bad stuff, gets removed. The successor is the popular choice (and B.O. was a popular choice in a mass-hysteria kind of way). No government is going to reduce their own power.

I don't think it really matters who comes in - as some say, they (reds and blues) are just two arms of the same body.

Comment Re:What the FUCK is this doing on Slashdot?!? (Score 1) 317

It's all about perceived and purported stereotypes:

Politics: boring!
Cinema: Fun!
Law: incomprehensible!
Soap operas: addictive!
Economics: complicated!
Reality TV: Best thing ever!

I reckon 'they' are quite happy with these stereotypes. It lets them run the world while the majority sit and absorb rubbish.

Comment Re:Totally illogical reasoning (Score 1) 612

Well, this is just it. By law, a 'person' is an entity to which rights and responsibilities are ascribed. For example, being a person allows you to engage in commerce with other 'persons' such as corporations etc.

A cartoon is not a person, and cannot possibly be so, in the eyes of the law. I cannot even begin to fathom how this has happened. I'm at a total loss for words. There are more plot holes than in The Matrix. Surely there must be some kind of investigation into this nonsense?

Comment Re:Why does nobody ask Google anything today? (Score 2, Insightful) 142

I think, more to the point, your average user doesn't really understand quite what a corporation (of any size) can do, nowadays with that data.

Information in this new digital world is a far cry from disclosing your information to marketing surveys that would simply end up with your address on multiple mailing lists. Now it can tie up what do actually do online and off, where you do it and who you do it with, and that's probably the tip of the iceberg.

My opinion is that if governments had this kind of insight, would you trust them not to abuse it? Would you trust a profit-driven company more, or less?

(Useful) Stupid BlackBerry Tricks? 238

Wolfger writes "Continuing the recent (useful) stupid theme: I've recently become a BlackBerry user, and I'm in love with the obvious(?) tricks, such as installing MidpSSH to access my home box remotely. But I'd like to know what more experienced Crackberry addicts can share."
Data Storage

How To Verify CD-R Data Retention Over Time? 303

Peter (Professor) Fo writes "I've recently had two CD-Rs reported to me as faulty which are just 3 years old. This is worrying — I suspect the failure rate for this batch could be 10%. When researching CD longevity there is old and unreliable information; pious 'how to cosset your discs so they last 100 years' blurb; and endless discussions of what sort of dye to use, don't use cheap media, burn slower (or don't), but not much by way of hard facts besides there's a lot of data loss going on. Does anyone know of a generic utility (win or *nix would suit me) that can map sector readability/error rates of CDs? I'd like to measure decay over time in my environment with my media and my other variables; and I expect others would too."

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"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment." -- Richard P. Feynman
