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Comment Re:Children don't like their parents music (Score 2) 191

I listen to music from my parents generation, it brings back lots of (mostly) happy childhood memories, and as I've listened to more of it, I've learnt to appreciate it, and have made my own discoveries of good music from the same era. As a teen I had different musical tastes, that my parent's couldn't stand, and I went through a phase of not wanting to hear my parents music, but one grows out of that.

My 19yr old daughter, recently said "I wish I was alive in the eighties, you guys had the best music" I was flattered, but I also know that she only gets to hear the good music from back then. I have my parents music collection, my daughter wants mine*, and we both wish we had my grandparents collections.

* Sweets, if you read this, hopefully you still have a loooooong time to wait before you start prising it from my cold, dead fingers

Comment Re:C++ (Score 1) 240

Another "human" language can be a great help as well.

I am fluent in English and Shona although I spend most of my time "in English mode". I have found that thinking through a difficult coding problem in Shona works wonders. I have been doing it for years, but only recently realised that it was happening.

I think it has something to do with the different grammar and sentence structure forcing the brain to think in a different way.

Comment Re:Arson, terrorism and jaywalking (Score 1) 82


The stolen CSS in question: Cascading Style Sheets (used for styling web pages)

DVD CSS: Content Scramble System (used for protecting content on DVD's)

Also making a movie entails much more time, effort and manpower than either of the CSS's above which could feasibly both be created by a lone coder in a dark basement ;-)

Comment Re:Live Performances (Score 1) 665

The benefit of a performance lasts till the house lights come back up.

The last concert I went to was about a decade ago, but I still remember it fondly, I had a good time, and it's a memory that will hopefully last the rest of my life. Granted, it's not a major memory, but all the little ones add up. The point is to gather more good ones than bad ones.

Comment Re:America (Score 1) 630

For people who live in countries where guns are not that common, 4 guns seems like a lot.

I had two guns when I lived in Zimbabwe, (one pistol, one shotgun, necessary as I worked in Mining), but here in the UK, I don't know anyone who has a gun, so if I heard that one of my friends had four of the things, I'd find it very strange indeed.

Comment Re:Open and personnal (Score 1) 101

It is already really easy to setup your own personal server, and share your photo's and whatever else. This works fine if you want to share with a specific and limited set of people. If you want to share with the "world", which many people do, then the world needs to be able to find you, and that's where the problem lies.

What the services like Facebook and Twitter "really" provide, is a managed way for others to find what you are sharing, and unfortunately, I don't think that will be possible to replicate effectively, without one of these centralised services.

Comment Re:If there was a Bad at Math Map... (Score 1) 1163

Oh, you thought you'd get to use the dollar? Uh, no, that's a United States Federal Reserve Note. Fuck off!

There are already 10 other countries that use the US$ as their sole official currency, with a further 10 countries using it in parallel with their own currency.

So no reason that seceded states couldn't do the same, it's not like you could effectively go and take the currency back.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
