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Comment Re:Problems causing Video effects? (Score 1) 72

Holy handgrenades!
I have built high end gaming systems that replaced older high end gaming systems ad infinitum. Always the problems of the older systems had to do with speed (texture loading for instance) and rendering high framerates at comparatively low resolutions - just for the sake of hurdling over various 'issues'.
When you realise that there are no bottlenecks in the system but these issues are still present, then you look elsewhere and that elsewhere is coding.
Those AAA games you speak of are the culprits, forced to publish before they are optimised and depend on updates that may break other things.
I read different opinions by those who (should) know about driver issues, the last being that both nVidia and AMD have 2 standards, optimised for GPU processing (labs) and another for rendering (games). Others claim that the game code itself (NOT the engine driving it) is complicit with these faults.
I will assume that coding errors in the game engine will affect the game code, no matter how well it is written.
In the end and at this time, the purest graphic setup must be a single GPU to avoid hardware jitter and the fastest ram based drive.
Something must be done with the developer paradigm or it becomes a pretty pointless investment for high end systems, 4K monitors and the like.

Comment Re:All Hail Emperor Napoleon (Score 1) 409

I've worked with quite a few different measurement systems. As far as the Napoleonic system goes, a French explorer called Barrallier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... used lineal Napoleonic measurements for distance, however most of his map work and diaries were useless as he measured up and down hills instead of proper cartographic methods from point to point. So the height of a mountain was how far it took him to walk it, rather than the height above sea level.
Austro-Hungarian measures called Vienna Measurement (pre 1876) was supposedly standardised across the Empire, except it wasn't especially on the Hungarian parts which (for example) measured most goods as 'Barrels'. This was ok but were these Pozsony (Pressburg/Bratislava) barrels or the barrel sizes used by other parts of the country? As for area, a 'Hold' could be anything from 1 acre to more than 2 hectares. A Mertfold was exactly 1 (English) mile or around 8 km depending on who you were speaking to. So standardisation and how to use it was a godsend.
King Sobieski of Poland who came with his army of winged hussars to defeat the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1687 had to use medieval maps of the surrounding area which were quite inaccurate. He still managed to surprise the Turks and drive them off, but this was a turning point in cartography, thereafter proper 'modern' techniques were used.

Comment Re:Mixture (Score 2) 312

Has the US declared war on ISIS/ISIL? I know it's a moot point but I'd like to know. Obama has asked congress for some sort of declaration on the 12th June but I'm unsure of the previous status.
So by facilitating (in any manner) assistance for the enemy in a war not legally declared, is illegal?
Last time this happened was the police action against North Vietnam.

Comment Re:Propaganda - Unless They Are Fucking Idiots (Score 1) 546

the people running the circus are a bunch of fucking clowns. If they didn't have alternate plans with different networks, they are incompetent

That is logical and reasonable. The serious question for me is the level of intelligence within this conspiracy of intelligence organisations.
This is not a movie but real life. If anything is compromised then plan B comes into effect that is IF there is a plan B. I can't imagine under any circumstances that affected organisations just sat there doing nothing. Otherwise they are truly fucking clowns.
And as for Snowden, he is a hero because he confirmed everything that was suspected but never proven. The conspiracy theory isn't a theory anymore. It is real and that is just too hard for some people to get it into their heads.
So where is the Mycroft Holmes here? Does anyone like that exist at all? Just by the timing and method of the 'shock and awe' attacks on Baghdad shows how little intelligence there was. I hope that they've lifted their game or we are being run by fucking clowns.

Comment Storm in a tea cup (Score 1) 186

It's not a big deal. More likely that the blogger is making it a more significant than it really is.
A. Skype isn't going away: New EULA coming up in August 1st to bring it in-line with Win 10.
B. Windows Phone Skype won't go away either.
C. It's only the RT version that's being canned. No big deal and there will probably be other RT stuff canned.

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