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Comment Warrant? (Score 4, Insightful) 207

This seems to be a way to get your cell phone out of your hand and into the hands of the police, without a warrant, and your permission.

SCOTUS recently ruled that the police can't search your phone without your permission, absent a warrant. Now you get pulled over, and you have to hand your unlocked cell phone to the nice police officer, while he leaves your site and goes to his car for 5 minutes or so.

Now he has the opportunity to see what else you might have on your phone.

As a bonus, since he has your phone, you can't use it to record your interaction with him.

What is wrong with the piece of plastic in my wallet? It has worked well for a long time. If my State offered it, I might add it to my phone for fun, but I would still have the wallet card to give to a police officer.

Comment Re:Get an MBA at a cheap school (Score 1) 317

Western Governor's University ( is a fully accredited university.

They do MBA programs for a reasonable price. It is an online school. They have have an MBA in IT Administration.

You are management, that is the "cert" that management is looking for to move up the ladder

Certs are for technical people

Comment Re:Anything sold to the police should be sold... (Score 1) 191

The LA Bank thing was a bad deal,

but my little town of 5500 people has never had something like that happen in it. Ever. A police officer in my community, has never been killed in the line of duty, in our town. We had one killed in 1947 when he provided mutual aid to a neighboring town.

But our local police chief is currently trying to convince our Mayor that he really needs to upgrade to Armored Vehicles and riot gear. "Look what happened in Ferguson MO, that could happen here."

We have a training culture for our police departments, nationwide, that installs an "Us vs Them" mentality. Every interaction with the public is a potential life or death event for the police.

I suggest that this mentality is making lives more dangerous for the police, and everyone else in this country. And it isn't getting better. The police are hunkering down.

I have a friend that is a Sheriff's Deputy. He recently posted that everyone who is being critical of the police these days is a "Police Hater" and is probably a criminal. It is that type of attitude that has the rest of society looking at our police departments with a new more critical eye.

Comment Re:Why only to police? (Score 1) 191

according the verbage at the time, well-regulated might also mean, well-equipped. The States, and communities, at the time, would produce a list of equipment that each member of the militia was required to bring with them, if they were called up. That list would include a firearm and a small amount of ammunition appropriate for that weapon.

Comment Re:... Everything? (Score 2) 528

There is another huge loophole in HIPAA. It only applies if your company does electronic billing.

I am a volunteer with a fire department. The local ambulance agency was shocked when they were told that the fire department EMT's were not covered by the HIPAA law. Our fire department doesn't bill for our services, so HIPAA didn't apply to us. We protect peoples privacy, because it is the right thing to do, but have no legal exposure, if someone accidentally says something (at least exposure under HIPAA laws, there may be other risks)

Comment Re:Training? (Score 3, Interesting) 112

I live in a rural area. Rural areas were specifically excluded from the study.

This time of year always reminds me of a call I went on the day before Thanksgiving
I have personally gone on a cardiac call, where the person was asystole when we arrived on scene. I was an EMT-basic. The other two guys were a 20 year EMT-I, and a 20 year Paramedic. A police officer beat us to the scene by 2 minutes and started CPR. The paramedic 2 rounds of cardiac drugs and we got a shockable rhythm. Shocked, good rhythm, packaged her up and took her to the local ER. In the meantime, the hospital had ordered up a helicopter and it was standing by when we get there. 45 minute ride to the nearest cardiac center.

The lady walked out of the hospital 7 days later. She lived another 2 years.

The Paramedic assured me that was the first time he had ever recovered a cardiac patient, in 20 years, who was flatline when he got on scene. The Gods of EMS were with us that night.

Why did she live?
1. Quick effective CPR by the police officer was probably critical. He was less than a block away when he got the call.
2. Quick effective arrival of the ambulance. She lived 4 blocks from the ambulance station. We happened to be in the garage, inventorying the ambulance when we got the call
3. Local ER quickly mobilizing air assets, so that she got to a cardiac center as fast as possible.

Comment Re:Not a jet pack (Score 2) 55

I am trying to figure how this could be used by the Fire Service, in a first responder role.

1. It doesn't look like it has the weight limit to do bucket drops for wildland firefighting
2. It doesn't look like it has the weight limit to haul very much equipment
3. It doesn't look like it could do any rescue
4. At best, it looks like someone could scout the perimeter of a fire. For $200k, that is an awful expensive scout

I see cops wanting this, but not the fire service

Comment Re: Desparate Microsoft pulls a "Sun Microsystems" (Score 4, Informative) 525

The early Sherlock Holmes Novels, and the Character of Sherlock Holmes entered Public Domain in the past year

It does happen, we just don't notice most of the time. I noticed this time because the Arthur Conan Doyle Family filed a big lawsuit to try to keep it under copyright and lost.

Comment Re:People buy stuff without understanding is... (Score 1) 321

People want their computers to be like their cars.

They don't want to know what is happening under the hood. They just want to drive it.

I find most computer guys are like car guys, they assume that everyone should know how the engine works, or should at least care.

Nope, they want it to turn on every morning, take them where they want to go, and shut down at the end of the night with out ever knowing what makes all of it work.

Comment I was just talking about this with my wife... (Score 5, Interesting) 306

She asked me, "how do you know you are a good computer technician"

Me, "because I know how little I really know. When I was a good amateur, I thought I knew a lot, and was confident, but now, I know so much more that I know what I don't know. That makes me a good technician."

She was confused, but I now I know there there is a scientific name for what I was trying to explain.

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