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Comment Re: Agner Krarup Erlang - The telephone in 1909! (Score 1) 342

Fast food places near me use a "single line" system. When a spot opens the cashier announces "Can I help the next guest?" or otherwise greet you to let you know they're ready to take your order. No reason why that wouldn't work in a grocery store. I think that chain you were talking about was just doing it wrong.

Comment Re:Outrage (Score 1) 60

AFAIK DoD contractors are required to keep classified data on a separate network from unclassified data. Classified network should have no internet access. "Closed areas" are used to keep the networked machines physically separate. Set procedures are in place for moving data between the two networks. This sounds like Top Secret data would be travelling across the internet (likely there will be strict standards on VPNs to use and encryption and whatever).

Comment Title Is Misleading (Score 1) 67

It wasn't a pre-release Xbox One, it was off-the-shelf components that met Xbox One pre-release specs. However given the systems they hacked, what they have been charged with, and why they might have wanted to assemble one, it wouldn't surprise me if they loaded it with Xbox One development kit software.

Comment 911 (Score 1) 907

It seems most of these issues with people being in dangerous or emergency situations because their car won't start could be easily solved thanks to 911. For the specific case of being in a bad neighborhood, if there isn't an immediate threat, call a taxi instead.

Comment Re:Whatever happens... (Score 2) 191

For that matter, assume the school always has full remote access to the hardware they issue to the students. Same reasoning. Don't log into personal accounts from those devices or do anything personal on them. Remember the case of the school that issued laptops to students only to spy on them with the webcams... hopefully nothing like that will happen to you, but at the same time it's prudent to keep anything the school has access to cleanly separated from your child's personal life.

Comment Re:If only Tim Sweeney could find the ZZT source! (Score 1) 72

ZZT is pretty transparent in how it operates, and all the data files have been completely disassembled (and I assume documented somewhere). In theory it shouldn't be too hard to clone it from scratch. There are several clones out there, IIRC (I think one was called z2 or something and there was one other good one), though I think most try to extend ZZT in some way and do their own thing with their own data files.

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