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Comment Re:Please.... (Score 1, Insightful) 489

People get scared. When they are scared they will often do stupid things.
Fight or Flight kicks in. Lets say someone has some unpaid parking tickets (they can't afford them), they get pulled over, they know they are going to jail, going to jail will cause him to lose his job so he will be in more stress.... Having to deal with the police facing such stresses can cause Fight or flight to kick in... So they will either try to run, they are not thinking that they will get away, or that they will get caught, their body is just telling them that they are in serious danger and they need to run, the other option may be the person will fight the officer, still not thinking if they will win or not, it is their primal instincts kicking in.

Now when someone pulls over one of our middle class folks. We may have gotten the same parking tickets, but we paid them off, perhaps it prevented us from getting a new video game or eating out for a few nights. So when we get pulled over we are not stressing about getting arrested we are just annoyed that we got caught. So we are not in fight or flight, for the most part we are just calm about it.

What you call thugs, isn't thuggery, but the fact that we haven't done a good job at culturally integrating groups together. So there are distinct cultures going on, with unique mannerisms, and acceptable and inappropriate behavior. And for people who don't get that they will often see the other side as threatening.

Comment Re:Systemic and widespread? (Score 2) 489

The problem has always been, who polices the police.
We take kids out of high school (More often than not, the personality is someone who wants the power and authority, vs wanting to protect and serve), give them military like training which can curve some of their impulsive tendencies... however at the same time insure if they need to use force it is more affective.
We give them extra power and authority, however we pay them civil servant salaries.
We place them in areas where day to day they see the worst of humanity, and they are usually without a partner.
Because the local governments don't want to raise taxes, they make laws that force citizens to be criminals, so they must pay high fines, to balance the budget. Then they pressure the police to keep the quota up.

In general they are placed in an environment where crossing the line gets really easy.

The other police will sympathise, even the good ones. So they will more often than not protect themselves (keep it in the family). So bad behavior will not be discouraged to a useful extent.

So who is to police the police? Well it is up to the citizens to keep vigilance on the police. And the citizens now have technology to do this. So just like that patrol car behind a bridge is ready to pull you over for speeding, there could be a citizen with a camera making sure his actions are just.

Comment Or a simple solution. (Score 4, Insightful) 95

The is to solve the problem is simple. Keep the apps self contained. No shared libraries or dll.
To move the package you just move the directory containing the app to an other location.
Some will say that is how Macs do it. But I would go further and say that is how it was done in DOS.
The shared library is an out of date concept, while sounds good when storage was expensive, today we are virtualizing full platforms just to prevent version incomparably.
What may be a little bonus is to give application/process level networking settings so you can just virtual network your app from the OS

Comment And let's be real here (Score 1) 892

This is just a cop out to pay people less. "Oh sorry we don't negotiate on salary, it is a gender equality thing, you'll just have to take the pay we offered you even though it is below what you should make." It's a CEO being a CEO and looking to line their own pockets. However she's just figured out how to couch it in equality rhetoric so as to mask the fact that it is just designed to screw over workers to enrich her.

Comment Re:For anything you should keep it reasonable (Score 1) 304

Climate change has a larger population including a lot of more moderate people. It isn't just Right vs Left. There are a lot of people who are just sick of hearing that everything that we do is bad. Climate change evidence is only really shown in complex statistical numbers. Where I live this winter was cold, last summer was very mild.... There isn't smog and a lot of fresh air... It doesn't look like I am getting affected by it.

Oddly enough Bush Jr. was the best president to slow down global warming.
He caused gas prices to shoot way up, so people needed to find more fuel efficient cars.
Threw the population into a great recession meaning people will not have as much access to burn carbon.

Comment Re:Easy grammar (Score 1) 626

But for it to replace English... We would need a bunch of radical nuts who only speak it take over the world in a military action.
English is considered the common language of trade because those crazy brits a few hundred years ago expanded their empire around the world, and in general forced the population to speak their language, as a way to keep them in civilization. Sure the british empire had declined. But we have the Untied States of America (a former british colony) a Superpower which still pushes its influence and language.

Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 1) 250

Sometimes the job of defense isn't to prove innocence, but insure they are having a fair trial.
The goal of the defence for this case, wasn't for this part of the trial, but the next one for sensenticing. If he can get life in prison vs the death penalty, then the defence was successful,

Comment For anything you should keep it reasonable (Score 1) 304

Because if you start exaggerating and making shit up, it makes people listen to you less. The whole "boy who cried wolf" thing. If you keep saying doom is coming and it never comes, well then people are going to quit listening to you even if you are right one time.

Also it leads people to question your legit, non-exaggerated points. I mean after all, if the problem you are talking about really is so bad, why the need to make shit up? Is it really so bad if you have to exaggerate what you say? If you exaggerated this thing, how do we know you aren't exaggerating more?

The best thing is to keep it truthful. No, people won't always be interested in listening or in doing what you ask, but that's life. If you want to have any credibility long term and have hope of being listened to, you need to be truthful. Let people truthfully know the problems they will face and show them when they are facing them. Ya, it'll probably have to get to be a bigger problem before people fix it, that is how humans tend to operate.

Comment Over exaggeration = fodder to the climate deniers. (Score 3, Insightful) 304

I know Obama is trying to call people to action, and is pulling the "Think of the children" routine. However...
Making it a health risk is pushing it. And the climate deniers will point out to these dangers as proof the Climate Change is an invention of the liberals as a means to scare the nation so they can take away our rights.

Yea it sounds stupid to me too... But for climate change, you should keep your expectations on a reasonable prediction, because if it doesn't hold true, then they are going to get you.

Comment Re:So - the fact that others are doing it makes it (Score 1) 312

Tax loopholes are put there for a reason. In general, it gets the businesses to invest in their particular areas.
Give a tax break to Google, so they can setup a data center in your community, You get hundreds of new jobs, who do pay taxes.
This use to work, until companies got much smarter. Why bother putting in a big building, where you only need a place with a telephone forward to you non-corporate office/vacation home, and reap the tax savings.

Trickle down theory works only when the higher up is willing to make it work. Lately they have used the extra money to be more efficient and seal the gaps that are trickling down.

Comment We really should rethink web encryption. (Score 1, Interesting) 53

I am not a full time systems administrator, but I have setup ssl sights before. And if you don't do it all the time or at least one every 6 months. The process is cumbersome and difficult.
We have the cert agency otherwise the popular web browsers we'll create alerts stating how much of a horable institution you are for not shilling out cash for a key.
Then IIS vs Apache vs other browsers have different rules to setup and sometimes it just doest work when you follow the instructions.

It is a process that should be easier to setup.

This difficulty is why organizations may not go that route. They can't risk taking there servers down for a day to get their site secure. If the choose the wrong cert company they either spend a ton of money, or risk getting a company not recognized by the web browser. Scaring off users.
Then you have security updates. Which may break what you have setup.

I personally think ssl should be enabled by default by the web server, then you send the cert company your key made during the install process. Then they will give you a data set that you add to your configuration to tell the browser to check against that cert location. Then the browser can decide the quality of the cert verifier.

Comment Re:Now get Pluto designated a planet (Score 3, Interesting) 68

I learned a long time ago, the stuff I was taught in elementary school was nearly all wrong.
So when I hear that established fact has changed, it doesn't bug me so much. It is just part of the normal course.

Truth is the opposite of lying, Truth isn't absolute fact.

Scientific Truth, is the best guess on how things are based on evidence. As we get more evidence the nature of the scientific truth changes. The outdated scientific truth was truthful when it was new, as with the evidence it was the best case to follow. Then we find more and a better idea.... Sometimes we realize after we get even more the original idea was better.

Comment Re:don't need to look it up (Score 2) 53

I think the point was that they could have made autonomous driving cares for 20 years.

However... I expect there are a bunch of other factors.
1. 3,000 miles isn't really a lot of miles, over a 4 month time frame. I expect it was only tested in ideal conditions.
2. Software quality in 1995 was horrible! Not just with microsoft windows. But with Unix systems as well, these systems were touting 99% uptime. So that is a 1% failure rate... or 3.65 failures per year.
3. Lack of interests. We were in SUV height. Cheap gas, and everyone wanted to go off roading.

Comment Re: We need More Pork! More! (Score 4, Insightful) 370

The republicans do not have a good spending record either. They cut democratic lead initiatives, and put money in their own, then they cut taxes that they really don't have budgeted to do. So they raise taxes other ways.
The democrats when in charge will cut republican lead initiatives, put money in their own, they will not revert the tax cuts that the republicans made, even though it doesn't solve the budget, so they raise taxes in other ways.

The real problem is the polarization of the normal citizen. The politicians will only cater to them. Those damn moderates who sway the elections are who the politicians should be really kissing up to... But moderates have been toss aside, figuring they do no have any political ideals. Because the more extreme on the Right and Left have pulled many of them who are in the edges away.

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