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Comment Re:Which makes no sense (Score 1) 770

"The understanding that Genesis is a metaphorical, and not literal, goes as far back as the 4th century "

      Since when? I was taught it as literal and that was catholic school forty years ago. The metaphorical crap I've only heard recently as science started blasting bigger holes in the literal.

Comment Re:Biology workbook (Score 1) 770

"but it's ludicrous to call state-authorized murder on religious grounds as in the "same ballpark" as some allusions to theism in some textbooks"

    No it isn't ludicrous because the latter(allusions) always leads to the former(murder) eventually.

Comment Uhhh! (Score 1) 770

"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." It also brings up social Darwinism as if it's an aspect of evolutionary theory and introduces doubt that the Earth is billions of years old."
"Other so-called education texts being used by the Responsive Ed program teach Western superiority and how feminism forced women to 'turn to the state as a surrogate husband.'"

      Stone: ... I think I'm gonna be unwell.
      Swan: Stone, women are unwell, men vomit.
      Kudos to the person who knows which movie this is from. The star of this movie died just recently.

"Unfortunately, the person whose job it is to do the squashing (Sen. Dan Patrick, chair of the Texas Senate Education Committee) has said that he believes in Creationism and is a fan of the program."

        Is there some reason this guy(??) isn't in prison or dead for violating his oath of office?

Comment Re:Reinforcing the term (Score 3) 464

"Like if a meteor strikes your car before you have arranged insurance. Are you going to attempt to construe that somehow you were insured because you had decided to buy car insurance? Or just accept that sometimes shitty fortune strikes?"

      Apples and oranges. Meteors are not under our control, laws and judgements are. Laws don't fit every situation that's why we have judges otherwise just save to cost of judges and have enforcers. "No rule is as simple as a rulebook." Riker -- st:tng

Comment Re:Seems reasonable (Score 1) 167

"Only in the US (temple of individuality) does the state subsidize your studies (if you're fortunate enough) but then you are not compelled to give back. Individuality taken to the extreme, and then we ask ourselves why all the worlds big problems stem from that country."

    We certainly do give back via taxation. There's a saying in this country "The only thing you can count on is death and taxes."

Comment Re:Too bad (Score 1) 277

""Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as Ãoeempty,à Ãoemeaningless,à or Ãoedishonest,à and scorn to use them. No matter how Ãoepureà their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best. ""

    What's that Khan N Singh quote from Niche about diplomacy being combat masked.

Comment Re:Too bad (Score 2) 277

"Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as Ãoeempty,Ã Ãoemeaningless,Ã or Ãoedishonest,Ã and scorn to use them."

      Because the young, naive, etc. see it as the bullshit that it is. The real problem is people have expectations and kissing their ass gets you farther, the basis of corruption. Stop trying to expect anything out of people and they won't disappoint you and you can accept them for who they are and not who you think they should be. Then interacting becomes easy. Damn primadonnas!

      Linus doesn't suffer stupid well, Theo doesn't suffer stupid at all. It may be annoying but at least it's honest.

Comment Re:Shocking (Score 1) 409

"I know for a fact that recruiters look to the mid-west to bring employees to the east/west coast because they have a lesser expectation for salary. Does that make them racist?"

      Mid-westerners get blinded by what looks like a good income that's triple or more than what they get locally. But still buys less on the coasts than local incomes locally(a breadbox three times the cost is still a breadbox). They find out what it's like to live on the coasts and the minute they want a family they move back to the mid-west.

Comment Re:Shocking (Score 1) 409

"I know for a fact that recruiters look to the mid-west to bring employees to the east/west coast because they have a lesser expectation for salary. Does that make them racist?"

      That's because most people in the mid-west don't know what it costs to live on the coasts. It's just recruiters taking advantage of the naivete of mid-westerners.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 2) 380

"Apple fanboys and apple haters should be banned from slashdot. They have this illusion that they are two separate groups of people. The fact is that they are a single bunch of idiots."

      You mean like the nuke apologists and environmentalists, vi vs emacs, apple vs pc, MS vs linux, etc, etc, etc. This board would be out of business without the 'biased' especially with Dice running the show. We all know this is true and we all willingly visit this board, so who are the real idiots again?

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