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Comment Re:Author's poor interpretation of performance (Score 5, Informative) 291

And it depends on what part of the eye you're talking about. The Rods (The detail-oriented parts of the eye) see at around 30Hz. The Cones (The black-and-white but higher light sensitivity and faster responding parts) see at around 70Hz. This is why CRT monitors were recommended to be set at 72Hz or higher to avoid eyestrain - at 60Hz the Rods couldn't see the flickering of the display, but the Cones could, and the disparity caused headaches (You could also see the effect if you looked at a 60Hz monitor through your peripheral vision - it appears to shimmer).

Comment Wide FOV... Great... (Score 1) 80

In fact, as they were showing, this display has a wider horizontal FOV than you can actually see, leading to wasted space. They also seem to be using last-gen 7" tablet displays (1280x720 or 1280x800), which are good, but something like the display from an iPhone 5S on each side would make it lighter, higher resolution, and somewhat more immersive. Though it also seems to me that this system could be driven by most higher-end video cards natively (albeit with an added software shader to create the fisheye-like effect needed for the fresnel lenses). So make a standard head-tracking mount, with modular and interchangable displays that run off a standard connector (MicroHDMI, for instance, or Micro DisplayPort). You could even have the same lenses, so it's just the display being changed, and then the displays themselves could also be used as tertiary information displays on systems. It would give the product longevity, and upgradability, and would require no software changes (Other than to pick the new, higher resolution for the displays in-game), and no hardware changes to the HMD if you use a standard size and mounting (5" smartphone screen, say).

Comment Re:Last 18 years? (Score 2) 91

The thing with graphics improvements is that GPUs are getting better in linear scale, but quality improvements need to happen in logarithmic scale. Going from 100 polys to 200 polys looks like a huge leap, but going from 10,000 polys to 10,100 polys doesn't. I personally think the next big thing will be on-card raytracing (As NVidia has already demonstrated some). Massively parallel raytracing tasks are like candy for GPGPUs, but there is a lot of investment in Rasterising at the moment, so that is their current go-to method.

Comment Re:What a bunch of Ossholes (Score 4, Informative) 103

Sorry, but as Webster's dictionary notes:

Ob*duct"\, v. t. [See Obduce.] To draw over; to cover. [Obs.]

So this isn't made up (At least, not by Cyan) at all. Perhaps you should endeavour to expand your vocabulary somewhat. Or, to put it in terms you might more easily understand: "Use dictionary, learn words, speak better."

Comment Re:bbc? (Score 4, Informative) 429

Time flows the same in England as it does in the US, and they get the information at the same instant as the US (Barring marginal transmission delays). If it was a case of hours and timezones, I might agree with you somewhat, but as the freakin' summary quotes: "During an experiment in late September," (Emphasis mine).

Even assuming that means September 30th, that's 7 days the US press has had to sit on this. At that point, the fact that the UK is 5-7 hours ahead doesn't make an iota of difference (Well, technically I guess it makes 4.1666% of difference, but that's hardly the point).

Oh, and why is <sup> getting stripped out of /. HTML?

Comment Fluid Design... (Score 1) 1191

It's not THAT hard to do. Just look at how much nicer this appears with that whitespace zapped. It's not perfect (The width value in the CSS has to be modified 'cause the source is in the wrong order - if that right bar came first in the HTML, the CSS for it could be set "float: right" and the main area just set "width: auto" and all would be perfect, including comments flowing underneath), but for now it's a touch better.

If anyone wants a stylish patch for the changes I've made, let me know. :)

Comment Re:Still better IMHO (Score 1) 259

Well, I was personally talking about desktop parts. I do realise that in server and computing applications, AMD's HyperTransport system gives them massive capability for expanding the number of cores they can put on a CPU (and the number of CPUs in a system), which in some cases can make up the overwhelming IPC deficit they have. I would be waiting for them to produce their next series of CPUs, hoping they can (at least) make up the difference, but it seems that persistent, intermittent hardware failures on my current rig (along with "Incompatible" RAM, of all things) mean that I'm going to have to change CPU and motherboard now (As in, as soon as I can get the cash together). So I'm going to have to go with a Haswell CPU and Z87-based motherboard, as I simply can't justify paying the same amount for poorer performing AM3+ part.

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