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Comment Possibly valid, but.. (Score 3, Informative) 153

Possibly valid, but the estimate in question seems to only be based in a remark by Dow Chemical's CTO. Not exactly the kind of thing that you'd expect to be news alone. In fact, the article is about the safety procedures they've implemented at University of Minnesota in conjunction with Dow, not a comparison between industry and academia as the title implies.

Comment Re:That's a great plan... (Score 1) 197

Pretty much, that's what I'd be worried about, and I actually run Cerberus, which provides exactly this type of functionality. Maybe carriers should be required to provide information about other companies that provide these types of service, which would solve the problem without locking an entire industry into a single solution which is easier to break.

Comment Re:Untested? (Score 1) 357

Sounds like you're making the same mistake the guys designing the suits made. You don't tell athletes, who are well trained and practiced in speed skating a certain way to change their form to accommodate a new suit design. You design the suit for the preexisting use case, and if you failed to consider something, like the fact that the top tier skaters skate with a lower stance than the derp from the office did during your R&D test runs, it's a design flaw.

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