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Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion ( 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Comment Re:This stuff is so stupid (and so is Forbes) (Score 2) 169

I don't get it when people dis "copycat apps", claiming they are "ripping off" the original authors. Copied games are probably the purest form of the free-market in action; they provide alternate sources for the same (or similar) product, and they encourage competition.

Comment Solution: End Internet Privatization (Score 1) 479

I think [internet] communication is such a fundamental need for society that we can't risk having internet access remain in the hands of private interests. Internet access -- from the wires in the ground to the modem in your home -- needs to become a public good. Taxes should pay for everyone to have free internet access at the highest level of quality that society can reasonably afford.

Comment Re:Not for me (Score 1) 198

It's free in the sense that everyone can vote with their wallet

But that's not "free" as in "free market", as the parent just explained. You can't have a free market and copyright law at the same time. Copyright prevents you from "voting with your wallet" in the free market sense because it reduces the number of competitors to zero.

Comment Preliminary injunction (Score 1) 211

I guess it would take a litigator to notice this, but it's quite unusual that a preliminary injunction denial would be getting this kind of appellate attention.

In the first place, it was unusual for an interlocutory appeal to be granted from the denial of the preliminary injunction motion. In federal court usually you can only appeal from a final judgment.

Similarly, apart from the fact that it's always rare for a certiorari petition to be granted, it's especially tough where the appeal is not from a final judgment, but just from a preliminary injunction denial which does not dispose of the whole case.

Submission + - Drivable Lego car built piece by piece -- all 500,000 (

DigitalReverend writes: The first drivable Lego car is made of 500,000 pieces and runs on air.

The inventors of the Lego car are Australian entrepreneur Steve Sammartino and Romanian Raul Oaida, a self-taught technology guru.

The car — known as the Super Awesome Micro Project — can reach a top speed of 18 mph. It was built in Romania and delivered to a location in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, where the car was test-driven, according to the inventors' website.

This isn't the team's first Lego project. In 2011, Sammartino and Oaida launched a Lego shuttle in Germany, reaching a maximum altitude of 35,000 meters.

Comment Re:All of it - So you can loose all of it (Score 1) 187

Why should I store any of my media (or other data, for that matter) anyplace else? Storing it in the cloud only works for as long as your cloud provider stays in business, and what I store is my business and nobody else's.

Storing it locally works as long as you don't get robbed...
and your house don't burn down...
and you don't get hit by major disaster (i.e. flood)...
and your storage medium doesn't fail...

I keep mine locally (2 redundant systems) and in cloud

It's not a real cloud, you know. All those things can happen to stuff stored "in the cloud" as well.

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