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Comment Re:It's all a matter of energy (Score 0) 141

but the actual neutrino's observed then (and until now) were high energy electron neutrinos

I don't know why these observations are being thought of as a big deal. Why go to all the trouble of building some big underground Italian detector when we can see, right here, that passing neutrinos hit the /. servers and cause apostrophes to appear randomly (but due to a quirk of quantum behavior, almost always right in front of the letter 's').

Comment Re:The death of leniency (Score 1) 643

If cops couldn't let thousands of people off per day on minor things, those minor things would cease to be illegal and our legal code would finally have some semblance of sanity.

You're right. If a cop sees you step outside the crosswalk at an intersection, he should have NO choice but to cite you for jaywalking, and generate all of the paperwork and costs involved, whether or not the reason you stepped out of the cross walk was to avoid walking through a big puddle of hydraulic fluid that was just spilled by a trash truck. It's situations like that where a cop's body cam might very well record such an infraction, and in the name of ridding society of any potentially abused judgement calls, we should use that technology to make sure that everyone involved toes the line, literally and figuratively. We can't have judgement calls! Your judgement call that we shouldn't is good enough for me.

Comment Re:The death of leniency (Score 2) 643

It seems to indicate that the poor, defenseless disenfranchised police officers are the victims in all of this

No, the victims are the residents and business owners in a trashed place like Ferguson where a bunch of idiots decided that wrecking the place is the right reaction to events like that lovable big lug, Mike Brown, being shot for no reason whatsoever. We know it was for no reason because thoroughly reliable witnesses (like, the guy who was within him when Lovable Big Mike, the 6'-4" 300-pound Gentle Giant was intimidating a retail clerk) said so, and the witness who said he was "shot in the back, execution style" said so. Except both witnesses are full of crap, and they know it. The cop who got his face mashed by this giant guy would indeed have had an easier time of it if Lovable Giant Mike's altercation with the cop inside the cruiser had been recorded. But more importantly, there's a chance that a lot of people's businesses wouldn't have been wrecked by people who came in from out of town specifically to trash the place and steal stuff with the tacit blessings of guys like Al Sharpton.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 216

The problem with solar is that it requires an upfront investment that pays back over a long term but does not significantly increase the value of your home.

It may surprise you, but some people buy homes to live in them. Not to flip in 3 years for a profit.

And I don't believe there's enough data in various markets to know whether or not solar panels would increase the value of a house more than their installation price (which is coming down, by the way).

Comment Re: What's so American (Score 1) 531

Sure they do. Corporatist Democrats play for the same team of rich elitists than Corporatist Republicans. Why do you think that no matter what else happens to the economy, the bankers always get their dough? No matter what happens to the economy, Wall Street gets taken care of first.

And no banker ever goes to jail.

Comment Re:progress (Score 1) 97

Will you pay more?

Pay more for what? Dedicated servers? They had that figured out more than 10 years ago. How much more do you think it would cost to add dedicated servers to a game today? And yes, if people would pay $19.99 for some DLC that gives your character new hats, I'm pretty sure they'd pay for dedicated servers.

The reason they are not included is because Sony is so scared that there might be some kid in Slovenia playing a pirated version of their game. Not that the kid would actually ever pay for a Sony game, but they are outraged that there is a nickel in some kid's pocket that doesn't belong to them.

Comment Re:put a label on it. (Score 1) 281

But yes, I'm sure that a legal attribute totally affects the digestibility.

For me, it does. Monsanto owning a license on a basic foodstuff makes me sick.

The idea of any corporation owning a license on the idea of a basic foodstuff makes me sick. That's something I just cannot digest.

And I can't imagine how improving food production will prevent hunger,

You don't know the story of "Golden Rice", do you?

Comment Re: What's so American (Score 3, Insightful) 531

Nonsense. Who even cares what party the Kochs are? Are they GOP or Tea Party or libertarians or who even knows how they vote. They're just corporatists, like Soros and Bloomberg.

They may not all be the same, but they all play for the same team.

manipulate the markets

You're full of shit. You think people who support Net Neutrality are the ones wanting to "manipulate the markets"?

Comment Re:Keyword: Believe (Score 1) 281

The reality is italian bread and cold beer will tend to make you fat, if you don't carefully control quantities.

My point is that if you're restricting your diet to a very narrow selection of foods, you are almost certainly also controlling quantities without thinking about it.

It's not so much about what you eat, it's about eating thoughtfully. Be aware of what you're taking in. Know that drinking a 64oz Big Gulp is taking in a LOT of food. I'm sure there are people who sock away the soda pop who might say, "I didn't eat anything all day".

Whatever, something is making people hugely fat. Outrageously, amazingly, shockingly fat. Circus freak fat. Industrial accident fat. I mean, comic book supervillain fat. And it's not because they ate too much brown rice and vegetables, or even Italian bread and mozzarella.

I believe the food and chemical industries have been experimenting on humans for years without our consent. You never saw people this fat when you were little. Well, I don't know how old you are, but not when I was little. I mean, there were fat people, but they looked like, I don't know, Jackie Gleason, not fucking Jabba the Hutt in stretch pants. And not just one or two. If you move around the city during the day, you will see thousands of people who are not just a little plump, but enormously, freakishly fat. When I was little maybe I'd see one of those every year.

So, what's changed? I'm not sure people are eating that much more food. You know who else gets freakishly large in the past 20 years? Livestock. And you know what they eat? GMO corn. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 216

Not true. The taxes on gasoline and other fossil fuels far exceed the tax breaks for oil exploration.

Not if you start to examine the externalities of the fossil fuel industry.

Like the wars in the Middle East and the environmental cleanups. The money BP put into the Gulf repair wasn't but a small fraction of the costs. The rest have to be picked up by government. You and me.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 216

The "coal subsidies" only affect the profit of a few politically connected democrats

Man, you're behind the times. I'm not talking about those subsidies. I'm talking about the externalities, like the health care costs for the people who get sick from coal, or the environmental costs of coal or the way coal destroys communities.

Comment Re:Urgh (Score 2) 531

Possibly because marxism and its derivatives were responsible for the murders of over 100 million innocent people in the 20th century.

So, what the Kochs are saying is that if we have Net Neutrality 100 million people will die?

Well, that's reasonable. We should probably forget all about that Net Neutrality thing.

Next Koch campaign: "Net Neutrality is like Ebola!"

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