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Comment Re:See the Following (Score 1) 497

I am not taking sides in this, as I haven't read the paper. But I question the fact that often extreme skepticism (cynism) isn't backed by facts, but by suspects, especially once a result is not "wanted".

Going after the funding without looking and (possibly questioning) the results scientifically smells of straw man.

Comment Re:Do Not Forget (Score 2) 497

and that is assuming this study is telling the truth, for example, Stanford has ties to Monsanto

If that's the case, debunk the science of the article, and not question the results merely basing on "ties": if it were published due to a "push" it would have flaws, wouldn't it?.

Surely peer review has faults, but do you think this paper didn't go through it?

Comment Re:pharmaceuticals are an odd case (Score 1) 189

To be honest, developing a drug is really expensive. And the most expensive part is not the actual R&D, but the testing (the phase I-II-III clinical trials). In particular, phase III clinical trials are one of the largest money sink in the whole operation.

And you have consider that only a fraction of the developed drugs make it to the market for a number of reason (efficacy not larger than existing alternatives, side effects, etc.).

Comment Re:Thanks (Score 1) 226

After all that, *if* you can find a job, you get paid for a year's work about what a Wall Street broker makes during the time he's sitting on the toilet taking a dump

Sorry for the bluntness, but so what? I'm only worried about my pay if it doesn't give me enough to have a reasonable standard of life. Why should I be envious of my other peers?

Comment Re:Yet... (Score 1) 155

Even if "who to collaborate with" is your boss, or the head of the department, or whatever (yes, they want to be the final name, but they may "suggest" names to get other collaborators happy)? It happens. I'm not saying it the norm, but the competition is too fierce and some people will go the extra mile to get that. And that is indeed a problem of the publishing papers hysteria. The whole debacle is IMO highglighted well by this book (notice it covers also a lot of unrelated topics to publish or perish).

Comment Re:Yet... (Score 1) 155

The problem is in the degree of such evaluations. Also, the "expected results" section in grants are sometimes difficult to write down, after all you're doing the experiments in the first place to actually see anything. And then there's the matter of authorship in papers, since you can easily lose the first author position out of politics (I had to fight for one of mine quite strongly).

Comment Re:Yet... (Score 1) 155

However, in the current academic climate (at least for life sciences) publish or perish is not a way to communicate your ideas or to advance knowledge. It's a way to get funded so you can continue working.

Comment Re:Lesser of three evils (Score 4, Insightful) 225

Nintendo isn't interested in crippling their own hardware in order to "protect" their own movie studio or their own music publishing business.

It is however interested in ensuring that games bought in Japan won't run on European or USA units, and vice versa. This is a far more deal breaker than what you report to me. (Microsoft leaves the lock to the publisher, while Sony, at least for physical games, goes region free).

As an owner of a USA PS3 living in Europe playing mostly Japanese games (yes, a mixture of things), I like the fact that I can get a copy whenever in the world and knowing it will run. Region lock sucks.

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