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Comment Re:Indie access to gamepads (Score 1) 109

You're very wrong. Kickstarter does not mean donation. There have been lots and lots of articles on this recently (even here on kickstarter), you owe people things you've promised, if you promised them copy of the game when finished. you have to publish it and send them a copy. If you don't deliver you have to refund everybody, or they might sue you (happened in few cases already), so its not a donation and there are real consequences. If you don't complete game, and you don't have money for returns you might loose ownership of product that is almost ready. So it's definetely not a risk-free method.

Comment Re:Was $99 now only $8 for a short time. (Score 1) 268

Yeah, and promotion is as shity as their whole dev center. I thought $8 I'll register just in case I'l EVER have to release anything for W8. But it's not $8 it's $99 and after a MONTH (30-45 days!) the'll refund you 91$, how fucking hard is to set up a discount in shop made by microsoft? apparently it's impossible, you have to charge client then refund him. So no thanks

Comment Re:Appreciation Exercise (Score 0) 421

I'm not talking about you specifically. But about 100s of whiners who complain every day how they are not appreciated for their work. How Boss does not respect them. How marketing people don't understand them.
Yet they are first to cash company for trying to make marketing people trully understand what coding is about.

Comment Re:well, duh! (Score 1) 95

Well if people are good/stupid enough to fund someone's company then why not take advantage of that? Kickstarter have been designed as a way to gather donations. If companies abuse system - it's only becouse users actually let them. When whole series of project fail miserably people will adjust their expectations.

Comment Re:Is it too late to get UN sanctions on them? (Score 1) 585

There is lots of people who agree with this stance. That's why in Poland for example right now there's a hige discussion on banning in-vitro impregnation based exactly on that inconsitency. Many believe since life is sacred since inception in-vitro should be banned. Only logical thing to do.

Comment Re:Still was going to have a real tough time (Score 1) 142

When I was reading this post I remembered a joke from Big Bang Theory, something along the lines of "I have perfect solution but It only works for square chickens in the vacum". If you are one of these "people in densely-populated well-wired urban areas in which they had data centers. " You usually also have awesome gaming rig, or at least playable one. 1% of population that could actually use you product, didn't really need it. Those who would like to use it - couldnt, and you're suprised you've failed?

Comment Re:Nicely done! (Score 5, Interesting) 290

wav is not only losless format. Files are distrubuted also in m4f and flac ( ) Quality of recordings done by kickstarter campaign is excellent. And there was poll amongst backers what to do with money. I as one of backers (overwheliming majority) decided we want to have more music with good quality, then one or two tracks with perfect quality. If you want perfect recording from best orchestra in the world, go and buy it on dvd.

Comment Re:Be careful (Score 1) 41

Even if software is released under open source license it still is copyrighted to author. Author just chooses license under which he distributes his works. Copyright dates do not need to be updated at all (this is just a formality and mostly for informational purposes), and in most cases are updated only if file under copyright is changed.

Comment Why patents were invented? (Score 1) 967

Well. first of all lets not forget why patents were actually invented. whole point of making patents was that inventors HAVE TO describe theyr invention and make it avaible for ppl. in return they had rights to get money from companies which used they invention.

Whole patent idea was invented to HELP humanity as whole, and to rapid inventions. not to protect medical or software corporations.

so in my opinion Taiwan made best possible move.

(my first post, and english is my thrid langue so please be good to me ;))

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