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Comment Re:Don't worry guys... (Score 1) 880

That is precisely the danger of Islam. The vile aspects of it appeal to the mentally ill and unstable and turn them into jihadis.

I would suggest that the number of jihadis who are mentally ill and unstable is no greater than what could be expected statistically within any group. I suspect the vast majority jihadis were raised up in a Madras type of upbringing, whether they were actually sent to a Madras when they were young or simply taught to hate from an early age.

Comment Re:Don't worry guys... (Score 1) 880

I disagree with this incredibly strongly. Religion, ideology, and violence are so tightly intertwined they almost cannot be decoupled. Today, Islam clearly holds a siren's song appeal to some disaffected members of society. You give the religion/ideology a complete pass. Have you not considered that the religion/ideology places a major role in motivating these individuals to commit their heinous actions?

Let's take a poll here... Select from...

1.) I strongly agree

2.) I somewhat agree

3.) I neither agree nor disagree

4.) I strongly disagree

5.) I disagree incredibly strongly.

Sorry - couldn't resist having a little fun with your expression. As to your argument, I might suggest that these wackos would have fallen for any number wacko world views or philosophies, but in these instances happened to have found the Muslim religion close at hand. However, saying that is not to deny that "Islam clearly holds a siren's song appeal to some disaffected members of society". I am compelled to agree with you.

Comment Re: Don't worry guys... (Score 1) 880

Taken out of context I could easily use this to show that the Christian god has told me to invade other cities and only leave them alive if they become my slaves

Umm - no. Your quote is from the Old Testament. That is not about Christianity. Christianity is based on one thing - the teachings of Christ. He was a radical who's fundamental message was Love.

Comment Re:It's just some dipshit with weapons and no hope (Score 4, Insightful) 880

Calling them an asshole is much more likely to be accurate. Calling them a terrorist gives them more credit than all but a tiny fraction of such scum remotely deserve.

I've often had that same thought. Calling them "terrorists" is really glorifying them, at least in the eyes of the impressionable. They are thinking "hey - I want to be a brave terrorist just like him!" All news headlines should refer to them literally as "assholes" or "losers". Then watch how many people now are going to say "hey - I want to be an asshole and a loser just like him!".I don't think quite so many would want to emulate that behaviour.

Comment Re:Why would this be a joke? (Score 2) 28

"The pre-printed cardboard probably fits only one phone type"

- not necessarily. As far as I could tell it handles a range of sizes, though the info was less than clear about that.

"the response on most phones is not good enough to do head tracking very well"

- ah - but it does! It has a novel and innovative strapless design that forces you to hold this thing up to your head with booth hands. Then you cannot move your head around quickly, because you are now limited to trunk movements.

Comment We are doomed... (Score 1, Insightful) 401

No matter what they do, they won't do anything that will save us anyhow. Our generation will be Ok, but the upcoming generations will have a challenge. Coastal areas as they are now will be uninhabitable, and a lot of people will suffer from a wide variety of things like droughts and inundations and cold or hot. A lot of people will suffer, because we won't do anything to change the situation, but they will get over it eventually. One door closes and another door opens. Places that are considered too cold today will have a moderate climate tomorrow. However, the world's standard of living may drop in the process. This in itself will reduce carbon emissions.

Meanwhile, San Francisco will get the Big One one day not too long from now, and Mount Pinatubo will become a super volcano and cover a third of the USA with magma. Nothing much we can do about that, but USA was headed down hill anyhow.

Comment Re:Google it (Score 1) 100

You were right. I found the reference, but I don't understand why you were modded down to oblivion. Perhaps it was Bing shills, who objected to your use of the "Google is your friend" meme.

Also in my search, I found this reference to a video that went viral in China poking fun at Kim Jong Un, and I found it entertaining:

Comment Re:As an Australian resident (Score 2) 100

"The rights holders also expect the ISPs to foot all or part of the bill". From the FA "Cost of the scheme should be divided "fairly" between ISPs and rights holders." WTF - "fairly"??? Why is this the ISP's problem? What does it have to do with them? Why should they foot any part of the bill?

Comment Re:Why do they use Robots? (Score 2) 29

I read the entire paper, thinking OMG, how much effort they went to building those toys! There is no way that would produce useful results, especially in just 10 generations. The model is simply too crude, and 10 generations is absurdly brief to expect useful results with this set up.

I have spent years playing with genetic algorithms, and I have learned a great deal from them. You can never underestimate the effects of chance, and I found it takes thousands of generations to continuously break out of local maxima and move forward to achieve some substantial and interesting result.

For example, for a long time I was obsessed with breading some "super being". I would run some population over tens of thousands of generations until one of my organsims achieved the highest score ever seen, and imagine I had achieved my dream of a super hero. Then later, the colony would start "de-evolving" (they always do, in the end), I would drop that organism back into the game with the same genes that scored so high, and find that its performance now was just mediocre. The problem is, that it seems half the time I am breeding for Luck, and that turns out not to be an inheritable trait :)

Let me clarify that a bit: My experiments always involved organisms that wander around my computer screen looking for bits of food. There may be predators in some experiments, but mostly not because predators add so much turbulence. The organisms are in competition with each other, and those who score best go on to bread the next generation. I always employed small populations of 20 to 60 organisms, and a great variety of schemes in the design of their world and for dropping food into their world. During any given generation, some will score highly, and some will score poorly. Turns out, quite often this is just as much due to chance as it is to skill, and evolution goes sideways. Certainly over time I have had many "successes", however you might describe that, where organisms have developed certain traits exactly as you would expect or even exceeding expectation. However, in none of my experiments did I ever expect or observe some result in just 10 generations.

I would suggest that an experiment in software could be developed that would shed more light on the evolution of vertebrate then your toys could ever show, and I suggest that it doesn't have to have a complex physics engine that takes many months to develop. Compared to how crude you little toy fish were, I would bet I could develop a useful simulation in a matter of days. It doesn't have to model the physics of water. In fact, the effectiveness of different numbers of vertebrae in your model could be measured empirically and the resulting data transferred to the program, etc... The feeding and prey avoidance can be far more simply and effectively modeled in software. In short, I just don't think building little toy fish is at all practical to answer the questions about evolution that you pose. However, it seems you have been well taught and have conducted very good work that will serve you well when you go on to research something more practical.

If you are interested here is one of my neural network simulations that evolves via a genetic algorithm. They develop social behaviour - specifically, they learn to take turns:

Experiments like this make me believe that "survival of the fittest" is an overly simplistic statement about the mechanisms of natural selection, and that you cannot isolate the individual from the group. More and more, I forget about my original dreams of creating super beings and think about evolution at the level of the species, rather than the individual.

Comment Plug this into your Drake equation (Score 1) 334

The Tissint meteorite fell in Tata Province, in the Guelmim-Es Semara region of Morocoo, on 18 July 2011. It broke apart in the atmosphere and rained material on to Earth, with several pieces being recovered and some being sold. It is also only the fifth Martian meteorite to be seen falling to Earth by eyewitnesses - the last being in 1962. Tissint had been ejected from the surface of Mars 700,000 years ago when an asteroid struct the surface. Of most interest is the sign of certain elements being carried into cracks in the rocks by water fluid, which has never been seen in a Martian meteorite before. Dr Philippe Gillet, director of EPFL's Earth and Planetary Sciences Laboratory, and colleagues from China, Japan and Germany performed a detailed analysis of organic carbon found in the meteorite. They concluded that it very likely had a biological origin.

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