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Comment Re:WTF Just Not Enough (Score 1) 1237

First off, Kennedy did not look 66 prior to death and Obama has said "My grandfather was gray by the time he was 29 [...] So I figured it was going to come. It just happened to coincide with the presidency." Perhaps you are the one who is "morally bankrupt and personally repugnant" for discriminating based on age and looks. I am in my twenties and care more about a candidate's political beliefs than appearance. I am not trying to elect a movie star and I hope that enough voters will side with me on that.

Comment Preventing behavior (Score 1) 345

Why are campaign contributions allowed? Would it be possible to ban these? If not, due to the people 'in power', it seems like our system needs better checks and balances in this respect to better enforce the will of the people. Are people just voting in bad apples or is the entire political system corrupt? Does a majority of the people really believe in the things that are occurring, or has control been taken away from those in the general public?

Comment Overuse of laws (Score 1) 289

Should the legal system really be messing with things like this? Sure, it is annoying, but I don't think that laws should be created because some dude doesn't feel like turning his volume down during commercials. Laws should only maintain peace, if anything, and I don't think that this issue is causing many deaths.


Submission + - Discussing Drugs, a Federal Crime (huffingtonpost.com) 2

Memroid writes: The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill yesterday that would make it a federal crime for U.S. residents to discuss or plan activities on foreign soil that, if carried out in the U.S., would violate the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) — even if the planned activities are legal in the countries where they're carried out.

Comment Re:It is in fact virtually impossible (Score 1) 312

Yes! I could reproduce all of the works of Shakespeare in nearly zero time on a single computer. All I would need to do is reduce the comparison from 9 characters to 1 bit. A random bit generator could randomly reproduce a bit. I would then compare that one bit to a Shakespeare work and save it if it matched. Heck, we could 'optimize' this and just flip the bit if it didn't match, being that it's the only other possible permutation. Bam, O(n). My point is, as I believe others have noted, the saying is referring to the comparison of a single monkey's output with the only validation being that the monkey reproduced said Shakespeare work in it's entirety. Validating a subset of the work is essentially the same as the validator writing the work, not the monkey.

Comment Re:Unlikely (Score 1) 100

No matter how fancy you make the cooking grate the burgers in the middle are gonna fry even if the guys on the end are raw ...

So if I understand you correctly, we need to devise a ram-stack rotisserie. Wendy's may be able to provide guidance, at least regarding a double stack implementation.

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