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Comment Re:Thank you for reminding us. (Score 1) 108

Pretty much this. Why all the weeping at religious burial ceremonies? Allegedly that guy is now in a better place, ain't he? Or is it that you envy him and you can't just off yourself 'cause the religion commands that you won't get to $happy_place by suicide?

I'd rather expect a huge celebration with strippers and blow. Thinking about it... that's how I'm gonna organize my funeral.

Comment Re:No no! (Score 2) 95

It's exactly this attitude that made ad blockers and script killers popular.

You know, if companies asked whether they may display ads and if those ads were not intrusive, in-your-face, with speakers blaring, I know a lot of people would accept it and even welcome it, as a way to award those that deserve it. You know, as in what the customer's job is in the free market, to award those that provide a service they want.

Instead you abused us long enough that we simply assumed the same position as the industry: I do and take what I want and screw you!

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
