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Comment The Psychology of Politics (Score 1) 758

Ever since WW2 (even before, if you are prepared to acknowledge the existence of Wilhelm Reich) psychologists have taken an interest in politics. I've found these sources to be particularly enlightening:
Eysenck ('this country' refers to the UK)
Altemeyer (PDF)
Most Americans, in my view, have been deliberately confused by their authoritarians calling themselves 'social conservatives' and talking as if 'liberal' was the opposite of 'conservative', whereas it is really the opposite of 'authoritarian' and orthogonal to 'conservative' (whose opposite is 'radical').

Comment Engineered oral hygiene (Score 1) 97

Many years ago (maybe 15) I read in New Scientist about a group in Sweden that had genetically engineered some mouth bacteria to hunt down and exterminate the bad bugs that cause tooth decay. One rinse of their mouthwash and you could kiss goodbye to the dentist forever.
I've never heard any more about it though, and I don't have access to the New Scientist archives, sadly.

Comment A GUI for get-iplayer (Score 1) 356

get-iplayer is a perl script that downloads BBC TV shows (for those in, or with a proxy in, the UK). It gets the show listings in CSV form. Load that into sqlite and present it in a nice GUI with season tickets that set up cron jobs, etc.
I thought about doing it using a tab-box with tabs on all four sides but QT doesn't allow you to set the label angles so I gave up. Maybe you could add that to QT and everyone would benefit.

Comment Missed the point (Score 1) 93

Everyone's laughing at the lauded gaming potential here, probably correctly. But these little machines do have a couple of real benefits.
1) They are little. You can screw them to the back of your monitor or TV.
2) They have an external, sealed laptop-style power supply. If you live in the tropics or near the sea the moist air constantly sucked through a standard ATX PSU can kill it quite quickly.
And if you don't want to play the latest offerings from Steam they are plenty powerful enough.

Comment H-2B or not 2B (Score 4, Interesting) 605

I noted with interest a recent advert in one of the newspapers here in Belize. It was offering Belizeans jobs in New Jersey driving ice-cream trucks for $8.50 an hour. On a six-month H-2B visa.
I realize $8.50 is not a whole lot but can they really find no Americans to do it? Incidentally, a laborer in Belize makes about a quarter of that and a hot meal costs about $2.00.

Comment Precis (Score 3, Informative) 275

To summarise:
After the GSU raid on McAfee's Orange Walk compound he decided to go on the offensive.
He gave away 75 cheap laptops complete with keyloggers and backdoors to key people in the GOB. He backed these up with human spies.
Things he claims or implies to have discovered:
  • Prime Minister Dean Barrow ordered the murder of Arthur Young, an uppity Belize City gang leader who died in police custody last year. channel 5
  • Minister John Saldivar heads an operation smuggling Lebanese Hezbollah operatives into the US. 10 per month. (One was caught in Mexico last year: channel 7)
  • Hezbollah have a base in Nicaragua where they are mass producing ricin.
  • Hezbollah are using the Zetas to smuggle the ricin into the US.

Comment Re:First Time (Score 1) 639


:) It is essentially a book. Perhaps I should have mentioned that. You can get hard copies from the usual places.

It has a fascinating chapter on the tally stick system which was used in Europe for 700 years, with only 0.4% price inflation per year on average. All credit (ie. money) was a claim on actual existing wealth and could be issued by anyone who had the wealth to back it. I wonder if some kind of eTally system might be part of the answer.

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