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Comment They know not what they do (Score 1) 110

AI is all about excellent doership. It is not aggressively creative. It does not push forward the state of the art in any area where it replaces a significant base of human creators. AI will freeze the level of performance in any area it is allowed to take over. It would be the same in programming or Medicine. Salient examples come from advancing technology: there will be no Elon Musk AI, or Bezos, or Zukerberg etc. In short, AI does not have and will never have the human motivation array that has driven the development of all we have and all we ever will have. Everything will stagnate at the level at which AI takes over an area of human endeavor.

Comment complexity (Score 1) 221

Just more addition to the level of complexity in all things. Inevitably there will be a complexity collapse as people just reject the mental burdens that are imposed on them by the difficulty of understanding and using things. I'm not sure I'll be able to do so simple a thing as get a burger sometime in the future. It used to be that you went in, said "Gimme a cheeseburger, large fries and a coke." And you got that, paid, and sat down and ate it. Now you wrestle with your phone and order app or use an electronic order screen with a million selections and decisions, and you do that for the convenience of the company. You may as well be an employee.

Comment Re:Suicide (Score 1) 80

So you would imprison someone who encouraged someone to go to Switzerland to die due to extreme physical damage and loss of any reasonable life after an auto accident? This really happened. As for Putin, sure, I'd like him to kill himself right now so that he doesn't cause more atrocities and even blow up the world. Wait for a trial? Really?

Comment Reason (Score 1) 104

Could just be part of the complexity collapse we are entering. Cable has become so complex an environment that it is unknowable. The decisions to be made in dealing with it are too many, and the possibility of being wrong in decision after decision is very irritating. They just keep larding on the complexity from day one.

Comment Suicide (Score 1) 80

"Britain said late on Saturday that a new criminal offense of assisting or encouraging self-harm online would be included in the bill." So, if a British citizen said that Vladimir Putin should kill himself, that would be actionable under British law? If this law existed during WW2 a Brit could not say Hitler should blow his brains out without going to prison? The Brits should be very careful to aim the bullet of this law very very carefully.

Comment Re:Concerned (Score 1) 44

Yes, pleasure is when you satisfy the inborn motivation. Pain is when you do not. Pleasure and pain are the positive and negative feedbacks for satisfying or not satisfying the HMA (Human Motivation Array). Bio cybernetics, built in by billions of years of evolution. And an AI without a complex motivation array and feedback, negative and positive to that motivation array can never be self-aware.

Comment Concerned (Score 2) 44

If they have created a motivation to play Pong, then they have created a negative feedback signal when it does not play Pong. Same for hitting or missing the ball. In humans, we consciously perceive that negative feedback signal as physical or psychological pain at some level of intensity. The 800,000 cells would not be conscious of the feedback, but they would still feel it. Humans have consciousness of pain and our complex human motivation array creates many pathways to physical or psychological pain. The question arises: Is consciousness just feedback to a motivation array?

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