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Comment Re:Almost all scientific results... (Score 2) 37

Wait a minute. First your post claims that a belief in higher power has helped previous generations persevere through terrible trial and adversity, thus preserving society and human kind. Furthermore, this has had an impact on our genetic pool, leaving us with a population that (theoretically) carries a gene that makes them prone to persevere through difficult times, while holding onto a belief in a higher power.
The you advocate eliminating this 'survivor gene.' simply because it allows someone to survive by applying flawed logic?
I'd like to borrow your scrying bowl and chicken blood, so I to can see this marvelous future, where the human race is never again presented with difficult times, where basic survival is never tenuous at best, and even the most flaccid of individuals may survive and prosper.

Comment Re:4 Days? (Score 1) 250

Your pretty much spot on there. We use the hand pump 'Pallet Jacks', which I assume you know what are based on your experience, and all our pallets are the large CHEP pallets, the large iGPS, or similarly sized plastic pallets. A good portion of our Pallets are either to heavy to stack, or to fragile, so its generally a single layer, I didn't consider most other situations, where the trailer would be loaded 2 cubes high.

Like I said, it would be much quicker if we had a better floor layout, and maybe quicker with a forklift, but for our operation, we have the manpower on hand for further tasks, so we use what we got, and its unlikely to change, especially in Texas, land of the 'no unions'.

Comment Re:4 Days? (Score 1) 250

You can put about 30 Pallets of goods into a standard semi trailer. I know, because I unload at least 3 of them a week, and it takes 5 guys about 20 minutes, and thats only because our arrangement is a bit retarded, with a better floor plan, it could be done in 15 minutes or less. Like other responders have noted however, a standard boxcar is much larger.

Comment Re:Open Source is Winning (Score 1) 415

I actually don't mind Adobe going subscription. Adobe being subscription opens up their software to a much larger user base. As a student, my school had Photoshop on a few machines, and I got to learn to use it. However, the 700$+ (at the time) price tag prevented me from having a recent copy of Photoshop on my own machine, so i was stuck with a ancient copy of Photoshop 7 that came with a scanner I got as a gift.
At no point have I been able to afford shelling out the huge one time payment for a full version of Photoshop. With the subscription, I am able to use the most recent version all the time.
Now, I understand that eventually, paying 20$ a month for a Photoshop subscription eventually will ad up to the old full price of the software, but it will take nearly 3 years to reach that point. If we where still in the 'single payment for single version' model, they would have released a new version by then, and there's another giant payment, or fall behind in versions and skills.

I am sure there are plenty of students out there who are in the same situation, where 30$ a month they can come up with, where 700-1000$ all at once would be a problem. Sure, you could use GIMP, or other open source software, but there is something to be said for learning the workflow of the industry standard software.

Comment Re:Damn Dirty Apes (Score 1) 341

Well, presumably Abraham Lincoln is still human, with his grasp of language, law of his time, etc, meaning that existing things could be explained to him, and he would be capable of comprehending that explanation. (sort of like explaining an iPod to my Grandmother). Whereas, no matter how many times I explain it, my dog will never understand an iPod.

Comment Re:Why wait for the aminals to go thirsty? (Score 2) 327

Thats exactly what we do, its an 'at will' watering system, meaning the animals have 24hr access. the system is faced primarily south, is on a float activated switch, and maintains the water level in the supply. The point is, more animals use the system during the hot part of the day, meaning the system has to run more to maintain the level. Obviously, this means facing the panels to deal with the mid day load, aka, South.

Comment Re:Lost!? (Score 2, Insightful) 375

There are two kinds of people in the world. One of those kinds constantly looses its phone, wallet, keys, iPad, etc. The other kind never does, because it knows better than to put valuable items down in random places.

Seriously, its the old 'spectacles testicles wallet and watch' only now its more like, 'keys, phone, wallet and X' where X is whatever else you carry. They go back in the same pocket every time, they go back on the same place on the desk when you get home, and you never wonder where they are.
Would you take 300$ out of your pocket, set it down in a restaurant, and just wander off, and later wonder where the hell your money is? Then why would yo do that with your phone, or your wallet full of credit cards, or anything else of value? People boggle my mind.

Comment Re:Federal Funding is not contingent on speed limi (Score 2) 525

Texas covers snow safety precisely "not enough." let me explain to you how snow works in Texas. They flipped a sand truck (for sanding the roads in bad weather) in my county once, with about 1/4th an inch of snow on the ground. If it snows, everyone freaks out, and then goes out and drives around and gets in wrecks.

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