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Comment Bad from the top down (Score 4, Interesting) 606

I'm pretty sure SAE is bad from the top down:

Sigma Alpha Epsilon has had nine deaths linked to drinking, drugs and hazing since 2006, more than any other Greek organization, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. More than 100 chapters have been disciplined since 2007, with at least fifteen suspended or closed since 2010. [...] As a result of these incidents, student members pay among the highest rates for liability insurance of any fraternity.

Comment Re:Seagate (Score 2) 161

> The short story is that Maxtor was the first to have a Marketing department take advantage of that, knowing full well most people see MB and assume powers of 2.

Then most people are stupid. Stop trying to bastardize the SI prefixes for your hard drive edge case, in every other measure Mega is a base 10 power, not base 2.

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