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Comment Re:After reading that story three times (Score 1) 163

Funny. News for Nerds.

When a rather large provider like this is shut down, I'm sure many nerds care, as they might actually be using their services. I don't, and I find this whole thing interesting, at the very least.

You have some kind of case against them, it looks like. Bad experience? Did they touch your dolly someplace bad? Chill out. You don't like it, move on.

Comment Re:4th amendment point (Score 1) 325

Do you seriously think this, or are you just trolling for a reaction on the internet? Do you truly believe the government must GRANT you the right to move around freely, for you to own it?

Would you much prefer to have to ask a government official for permission to move from one state to the next? Would you like to present your papers, prove your "NEED" to be there? Because that's where we're moving. And now they want to place these scanning systems in train and metro stations.

Is this so hard to understand that our rights, YES, rights, have been eroded to this degree? That because of simplistic views such as the one you present right there, we're wildly throwing away what was beautiful and wonderful in this country, and what at one time made it unique?

It's simply very sad how poorly educated we are about what a "right" is these days.

Comment Re:4th amendment point (Score 1) 325

So, in other words, you support the police state, and don't mind having your rights trampled.

We have a right, as a supposedly free society, to travel and do what we please as long as it does not harm others. Or we used to. This is America, the 'Land of the Free'. This is the place that was supposed to do away with the despotism, with the forced torture of innocence, and all that.

Guess what? You're one of the people who seem to be in support of all that is going wrong in this country, the decline of the personal and societal freedom that has been happening for decades. Why? What does it get you? You're not any safer than you were pre-2001. Nothing's changed to make things better. We're not less likely to have terrorist attacks.

However, we're MUCH less likely to go about our lives without being molested or in some way violated by some quasi-state official. Why? Because it suits some greedy politicians and empowers government more. Welcome to the future of checkpoints that keep us from travelling easily, that make our lives more expensive, and return VERY LITTLE to nothing to us. When its made illegal to go from state to state without crossing through border checks, when you have to present your papers to travel, remember these times, my friend, and remember how you supported them.

Comment Re:DUDE! (Score 1) 158

Ok, I agree. I was about to disagree, then I realized they said this thing went 90k FEET up. Ye gods. Only 27.4km? 100km is considered space by most space agencies, though NASA considers anyone who goes above 80km to be an astronaut (thus some Blackbird pilots are actually Astronauts). Why do these articles keep, with such huge inaccuracies, keep getting posted?

Comment Re:Bout time... (Score 1) 157

Okay, so I'll agree with you on that point, definitely. I'm not saying good graphics make a game bad. I'm saying graphics aren't the ONLY selling point to a game, and this shows itself in reality. A *good* game is a good game, and what we all consider good varies based on our own personal needs. Graphics are merely one factor, and sometimes they even get in the way of a good game.

(If you feel you can't make that awesome game idea of yours because you can't do good enough graphics? Yeah. That's getting in the way.)

Comment Re:Bout time... (Score 3, Informative) 157

Actually, reality seems to state otherwise, time and again, when people make statements like this.

While it is not a requirement to pay for a game such as, for example, Dwarf Fortress, it seems that people will quite gladly donate enough money to keep it going, and allow the developer of said game to live entirely off of those donations. In effect, they are paying for that game. Some of them are even paying more for that game than they would be for any other game except for an MMO.

There is also the fact that people will pay for games with "less than brilliant graphics", since people pay for games like World of Goo to name one example. By far, it did not have state of the art graphics.

The world of who is out there willing to pay for what is far more grey than black and white. People look for different things when they decide to spend money on a game. The hardcore, "OMG, must haz rendered pores!" gamers are only a small segment of the market. Game studios seem to enjoy forgetting that fact.

Comment Re:Ouch (Score 1) 620

Well, no. You've some options. Hangars in NPC space stations are 100% secure. No other player can break into your hangar or use it in any way. Corp hangars (shared hangars that various corp(guild) members can use are secure to that corp. But make sure you trust your corpies with similar access as you.

When it comes to moving your goods, either you can be smart about it, and move a few items at a time, or you can hire someone else to move them for you, and have them give you collateral while they've got your stuff.

This guy's mistake was moving too many valuable items at once, in a system *known* for things like this happening. That character alone is 8 months old. He should've known better, frankly. If not? Well, hard lessons learned are learned the best. It's a shame none of those PLEX's dropped.

Comment Re:Wait, what? You can Lex Luthor EVE with PLEX? (Score 1) 620

How many of them just walk off with your isk, laughing that you paid them? How good are the pilots you sent after others? What would you do with your ISK, other than that? Not a player? Your brand new character can do very little. Buy one? Well, could spend a few billion isk on a character that has some uber ships... But you'll not know how to use them, so... can't say I'd be overly worried about it. And the people who purchased your PLEX's would thank you for the game time. *shrug*

I've played via Plex's for some time... Finally stopped when I got tired of spending all my hard earned isk on game time.

Comment Re:I have no idea what's good anymore (Score 1) 661

I find this somewhat amusing. I recently upgraded my GPU from the onboard piece of crap I had. My is a 2.0Ghz AMD, single core. I've played Fallout 3 and Bioshock on it. It's amazing how much the vidcard matters but the CPU less so these days. The Anchorage DLC gave me a hard time in places, bogging down a bit. After I got through it, Fallout 3's been fine. I'm beginning to suspect they require these amazing CPU specs merely to keep people upgrading. Bioshock says it wants a 2.4 Ghz single core, and it runs on my system beautifully.

Comment Re:Market Penetration (Score 1) 495

Without 3d acceleration? I do not think it's possible to find such a machine anymore, frankly. Every modern onboard video has a 3d graphics chip these days, and even the newer laptops have pretty amazing 3d capabilities, compared to ones from a few years ago. Unaccelerated 3d is a thing of the past, unless you're blatantly not installing your (video card's/motherboard)'s drivers. Wulfe

Comment Re:Is it me or is he sounding more desperate? (Score 2, Insightful) 733

Only because we agree it is. Art is what we say it is, we, the collective mind of our culture. If we say that rocks embedded in walls is art, then they are. If we say video games are a form of art, they are. There is no universal rule as to what is or is not art. There may be works in the past that help us define what we feel art is, building on the perceptions of our forefathers... But when presented with a new media (such as recorded music, which isn't very different from live music), or photography, which is merely a way for someone to show you his perception of something, perhaps through his own mind's eye... but with the touch of stark reality. Is it art? Someone's snapping a picture of something.

Are movies and video games inherently art? Only if we agree, as a culture, that they are. For whatever reason, old-school Ebert has decided, and has decided not to be swayed, that video games CAN NOT be art, for whatever reason... perhaps because he doesn't like them, doesn't want to play them, or because one frightened him as a child, for all I know. It doesn't matter. If the rest of our culture says 'Uhh, you're an idiot, this is art'... then it is.


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