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Classic Games (Games)

Fan-Developed Ultima VI Remake Released 161

An anonymous reader writes "20 years after the original game launched, a fan-developed Ultima 6 remake has finally been released! The Ultima 6 Project was formed in 2001 by Sliding Dragon to develop a remake of Origin's Ultima VI: The False Prophet with newer graphics and a more immersive engine. Soon assembled under the banner Archon, the team members, who hail from all over the globe, have set about recreating the world of Britannia, adding an enhanced storyline to bolster intraseries continuity and building on the Ultima legacy in a way that will please fans new and old."

Behind Cyberwar FUD 98

Nicola Hahn writes "The inevitable occurred this week as The Economist broached the topic of cyberwar with a couple of articles in its July 3rd issue. The first article concludes that 'countries should agree on more modest accords, or even just informal "rules of the road" that would raise the political cost of cyber-attacks.' It also makes vague references to 'greater co-operation between governments and the private sector.' When attribution is a lost cause (and it is), international treaties are meaningless because there's no way to determine if a participant has broken them. The second recommendation is even more alarming because it's using a loaded phrase that, in the past couple of years, has been wielded by those who advocate Orwellian solutions. The other article is a morass of conflicting messages. It presumes to focus on cyberwar, yet the bulk of the material deals with cybercrime and run-of-the-mill espionage. Then there's also the standard ploy of hypothetical scenarios: depicting how we might be attacked and what the potential outcome of these attacks could be. The author concludes with the ominous warning that terrorists 'prefer the gory theatre of suicide-bombings to the anonymity of computer sabotage — for now.' What's truly disturbing is that The Economist never goes beyond a superficial analysis of the topic to examine what's driving all of the fear, uncertainty, and doubt (PDF), a subject dealt with in this Lockdown 2010 white paper."

Comment Re:Apple (Score 1) 264

In about 1994 I was an Apple fan, and had the first version of the Power PC. At that time Apple allowed the operating system to be used by other manufacturers as Apple Clones. They also had the right to make modifications to the OS.

Steve Jobs returned to Apple and breached all the contracts with these clone makers, most of whom went out of business.

Since then I refuse to purchase any Apple product. This was the only way I could think of to object to their behavior as a consumer.

Comment Re:Teach and Test and no experiments.... (Score 1) 154

I am a Ph.D. Chemist with 28 years of industrial experience (Dow Chemical) as an analytical chemist. I have over 30 publications in the scientific literature (some of them ground-breaking), have presented talks at national and international scientific meetings, and in my narrow area of expertise, was world renowned for my work in ultra-trace determination of toxic substances (mostly dioxin) in the environment.

I agree with almost everything you said. I would add the resources of the American Chemical Society (

Some of the skills a chemist (or any scientist) needs beyond a knowledge of chemistry are (in no particular order):

1- Documenting your work in a way that stands up to legal scrutiny. (Without documenting what you have done, it is as if you never did it because no one can benefit from it.)

2- Presenting your work orally. (scientific meetings, work-group meetings, job performance reviews, ...)

3- Knowledge of the scientific literature in your current area of endeavor. (Has what you plan to do been done before? Can you benefit from what has been done before?)

4- Planning projects. (How should you go about achieving a project's goals?)

You could help your students prepare for a degree in science by making them aware of the importance of these other skills.

Comment Same Old, Same Old (Score 1) 613

I base my handwriting similarity on my signature since I have samples of this from grade school on. I am currently 70 years old, and my handwriting has not changed since high school.

Not only that, I found an ID card of my father's from World War II when he worked in the Bayonne, NJ shipyard putting cannons on ships. As far as I can discern, he wrote his last name identically to the way I do.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - 25% Off on BuyItNow Items on EBay

WebSorcerer writes: "Microsoft is offering 25% off almost all BuyItNow EBay items (no cars, real estate, third party checkout). To access it:

1. Log on to your account.

2. Search for an item (e.g. shoes). The first choice should be an EBay item.

3. Click on it. (You may have to be signed out of EBay).

4. You will see an icon at the top of the EBay page next to the EBay logo saying "$ Microsoft Cashback 25%". (There is a "See conditions" link below the icon.)

Now shop 'till you drop!

Note: [You must pay via PayPal to get the cash back.]"

Comment Terminology (Score 1) 157

Section 494 of the Act starts off:

"(a) In General- Each eligible institution participating in any program under this title shall to the extent practicable-" [emphasis added]

Note the use of 'shall' and not 'must'. I believe this means that the section is not mandatory.
[At least this is the interpretation in government contracts, but correct me if I'm wrong.]

Also, the term 'practicable' is open to interpretation.

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