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Comment Re:The problem with term limits (Score 1) 386

So you do term limits you chase out the few good ones you have and are much more likely to replace them with run of the mill corporate stooges.

The "good ones" recognize the importance of stepping down after a limited number of terms, unless they're self-important, egotistical, "corporate stooges". The "good ones" also set examples and mentor like minded replacements that voters can select from.

Comment Re:competing w/ cs (Score 1) 69

Indeed it seems to be the same hype with even more smoke and mirror financial justification behind it. You've got Musk mostly launching his own satellites plus a few other wannabes barely floating on a steady trickle of government contracts for science and military applications. Not quite the Sputnik moment or race to the Moon. Not many old timers in the industry left who know how well the race to the Moon turned out after "mission accomplished".

Comment Re:What is interesting is that nobody beat google (Score 1) 133

got basically nothing out of what is probably hundreds of millions of dollars invested

I've wondered about this as well. It might be a couple things. The first is their own commercial income as the GP states, and the second is that they need to run just to stay in place in the battle against all the SEOs also competing for commercial income. Though I'm not so sure they're able to stay in place. I was recently frustrated with a Google search on a technical subject and tried Bing which indeed gave better results.

Comment Re:NoCode is a scam (Score 0) 36

But it is very limited in scope

That's probably the issue. Most main stream programming languages are effectively LowCode in that a lot of development with these languages is essentially glorified wrappers of imported functionality developed over decades. (With Python even allowing you to import functionality from the future :S) Any new offering likely can't compete with that, and needs to be directed at a narrow market. Creating wrappers all the way down won't work because of too much abstraction, rather like trying to create a painting with one color.

Comment Re:omega 3 / omega 6 ratio (Score 1) 65

Ratio seems to be rather lopsided:

Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids

Comment Re:You don't understand the basics of ethics (Score 1) 293

offer an alternative

Here you go. Hillel is reported to have stated:

That which is hateful to you, do not do to another; that is the entire [teaching]. The rest is interpretation.

This 'Golden Rule' obviously is common across many religions and core part of secular humanism. Interpretation indeed depends on cultural mores which religion can influence. Civilized societies recognize this, promoting tolerance while, in increasingly diverse societies, limiting the imposition of specific religious traditions that conflict with others while still maintaining the Golden Rule.

How do you decide?

In short, you define living under the Golden Rule as an inalienable right. Decisions (or interpretations) then come the same way you decide how one exercises other inalienable rights in a free society.

It's unfortunate that your original post was down modded.

Comment Re:Is there any uncertainty about what happened? (Score 1) 43

completely overwhelmed by an incredible volume of AI generated BS

I doubt it. I suspect this is similar to the self driving car with a human monitor which hit a pedestrian awhile back with less dire consequences. Whether or not an "incredible volume" is input to the human filter, ideally the person who generated the prompt is doing the filtering.

Comment Re: Proof the system is twisted past broken (Score 3, Interesting) 73

companies don't want this material becoming free competition to new material

Good point. I volunteer at our library's Friends-of used bookstore and the boss limits what goes on the free cart for this very reason, which means we end up tossing books. Not the way I'd do it.

Comment Re:Good driving is expecting the unexpected (Score 1) 160

It doesn't matter where an emergency vehicle is, or what it is doing, for safety and compliance with law, you come to a controlled stop, clearing the path if you can

"If you can" can be subjective. Especially in these types of situations, and it's not like humans never get into accidents with emergency vehicles. And it's not like the person driving the emergency vehicle always drives in the best fashion as some might think sirens and lights confer magical powers.

I think it does matter where the vehicle is. Just because you notice one from a distance doesn't mean the person behind you can. Clearing the path for the emergency vehicle can block the path for others. I saw a car get rear ended when coming to a stop at an intersection with a green light to let an emergency vehicle through. While the person who stopped was legally not at fault, I was wondering whether they may have stopped sooner than (subjectively) necessary, i.e. there was enough time for them to pass through ahead of the emergency vehicle which would have then become more apparent to the vehicle behind them which would likely have stopped to let the emergency vehicle pass through.

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
