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Comment Re:Shyeah, right. (Score 1) 284

I have 1X DVDs going back to 99/2K that still read too, that is what happens when you don't buy crap brands.

This. I don't understand why people shun optical media so much. When a good burner and a good disc is used, it's still a great archival medium.

Comment Re:In Finland (Score 1) 516

Thanks to the underground cabling, in Finland the last time I witnessed personally witnessed a power outage was in 2006 in thunderstorm, lasting for 2 minutes.

I can confirm this. In Finland you get premium electricity in most places. On the other hand, the amount of "sick" buildings is cropping up: there's moisture in structures, improperly configured ventilation, poor heating, and whatnot. :( But hey, you get proper power to read Slashdot.

Comment Re:video (Score 1) 107

Newer codecs would still have inflated the hardware requirements. H.264 takes more crunch than MPEG-2. However, as you point out, the main problem is that the YUV overlay is not used in web browser video players. One can see the difference when he downloads a video from YouTube with youtube-dl or plays it via MiniTube: the CPU usage is much lower.

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