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Submission + - KDE Plasma 5.3 Beta Brings Lot of Improvements

jones_supa writes: The KDE project today announced the release of KDE Plasma 5.3 beta. It brings better power management, improved Bluetooth support, improved widgets, Wayland support, new media center, and nearly 350 bugfixes. The power management improvements include settings that can be independently configured per activity, there is a new energy usage monitor available in KInfoCenter, and a battery applet identifies applications that hog power. Bluetooth applet brings added support for blocking and unblocking devices. New touchpad module has been added as well. The combined window manager and compositor KWin is now able to start a nested XWayland server, which acts as a bridge between the old X11 and the new Wayland world.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 309

It would be like buying a refrigerator, and discovering that in order to use it, you need to hire someone from the distributor to stand there and open the doors for you whenever you want something

I wouldn't have to hire anyone. The refrigerator would come with one for free.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 309

I don't know about you but this is really bad. It's just as if you bought a car and the trunk came locked with a key only NVIDIA staff have.

There is nothing locked. You can fully use your GPU with the proprietary driver. These days cars are chock full of proprietary components as well.

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