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Submission + - Research Suggests That Saunas Help You Live Longer

jones_supa writes: A study of Finnish men suggests that frequent sauna baths may help you live longer. Previous research has suggested that saunas might improve blood vessel function and exercise capacity, or even lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The new study links long, hot sauna baths with more benefits, including fewer deaths from heart attacks, strokes, various heart-related conditions and other causes. The study tracked 2315 Finnish men for nearly 20 years on average. Most participants used saunas at least once weekly. Those who used them four to seven times weekly received the greatest benefits. The study published in JAMA Internal Medicine wraps up by saying that further studies are warranted to establish the potential mechanism that links sauna bathing and the aforementioned cardiovascular benefits.

Comment Re:Feedback is welcome (Score 1) 86

Yeah, it was kind of odd. For the record, the Beta was launched October 1, 2013. Slashdot took some feedback in the early times but then everything just went into complete hibernation. The Beta site just lingered there without the users having any idea what the direction was.

Comment Re:Silliness (Score 1) 516

They probably already went so far with the Modern UI strategy that they can't go back. They are now using that as the base to try to make something useful. At least things are more unified than in Windows 8, which featured a unelegant mix of classic Windows widgets and Modern stuff.

Comment HiDPI (Score 5, Interesting) 516

I guess operating systems acquiring HiDPI support is one of the reasons going for the flat look. Vector graphics are easy to scale. But maybe some genius will eventually come up with a system that both scales well and looks cool. Some might also say that good appearance isn't the be-all and end-all, but we had quite nice thing going on with Aero, so why go backwards in evolution. The window zoom animations look really good in Windows 10 though.

Submission + - It's official: NSA spying is hurting the US tech economy (

An anonymous reader writes: China is backing away from US tech brands for state purchases as NSA revelations, according to Reuters, which confirms what many US technology companies have been saying for the past year: the activities by the NSA are harming their businesses in crucial growth markets, including China.

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