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Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 2) 382

Hahaa. :D

Been there, seen it. Also called the "downvote brigade". When someone posts something against the hive mind, that message gets voted down, but then also every other message by the poster in the thread is meticulously voted down to oblivion!

Also other kinds of malicious downvoting are quite common in Reddit.

Those things being said, I still do find the system of unlimited votes to often be quite fun.

Submission + - Man Plays Fetch With His Dog Using a Grenade (independent.co.uk)

jones_supa writes: On a beach in Essex, UK, a man has been caught playing fetch with his dog, completely unaware that what he is lobbing is an old grenade. The man was spotted by an off-duty military explosives expert at Marine Parade in Harwich. The bomb expert halted play and set up a 30 yard cordon around the explosive, the police and coastguard were alerted, and the grenade was removed by Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officers. Interestingly, this was reportedly the fifth grenade to be found in the area in as many weeks. All have been detonated by EOD crew. Police suspect the grenades are from a crate carrying World War II grenades out at sea, and have now warned beachgoers to take care. People visiting the beach are asked to dial 999 if they find any more of these devices.

Comment Re:I've learned the hard way (Score 2) 304

It's a bit amateurish to dismiss the parent with the classic "it works for me, there must no problem". For example, maybe your university machines were mostly the same brand of conservative desktop machines which had quite basic hardware with well-tested interoperability with Windows Update? I mean, if you have a bunch of HP or Dell machines with Intel integrated graphics, the chances of things exploding are probably lower than with some more hot rod hardware.

Comment Re:Always a dumb idea (Score 2) 112

When will people learn that trying to take down negative reviews just gets you more negative reviews and the spotlight.

You have to remember that there might be many cases like this where the negative review gets successfully removed and gets no public attention. That might be the reason why "they won't learn" -- because the trick might actually work.

Submission + - The Windows Store is a Cesspool of Scam Apps, Why Doesn't Microsoft Care? (howtogeek.com)

capedgirardeau writes: Microsoft’s Windows Store is a mess. It’s full of apps that exist only to scam people and take their money. Why doesn’t Microsoft care that their flagship app store is such a cesspool? ... It’s now been more than two years since Windows 8 was released, and this has been a problem the entire time, and it is getting worse. If Microsoft was trying to offer a safe app store to Windows users, they’ve failed. Searching for most popular apps will return a list of many scam clones that charge a fee for what is a free app from the official publisher and you have to hope there is no malware installed as well. Worse yet, the Windows Store is now integrated with the system search feature. Search for an application using the Start screen search or search charm and these garbage apps from the Windows Store will appear. The article points out the reason is probably "Microsoft hasn’t been encouraging quality apps. Instead, they just want quantity. In March, 2013, Microsoft ran a promotion where they paid developers $100 for each app they submitted to the Windows Store or Windows Phone Store."

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Learning Linux Sys Admin via networked Raspberry Pis?

An anonymous reader writes: I'm finding myself getting tired of the internal politics of the MegaCorp for whom I do Tech Support, and I feel treated more as a call center person now than as 3rd-level tech support. So I was thinking of getting back into Linux Sys administration, and I'd like to know if any of you have (re)learned Linux system admin skills via a network of RaspBerry Pi? (I just don't have the spare room to spend on bigger Linux boxen). I was thinking of buying 4 or so Raspberries, a router, and the cabling etc. Have any of you done this? Any caveats or things I forgot? (I've got the VGA monitor, as I'm thinking of using one main Raspberry Pi with the VGA monitor, and then RDPing/SSHing to the rest).

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