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Comment that's an empty threat (Score 1) 504

These customers currently (using OGE, one of the utilities for Oklahoma as an example) get to sell power during the day at $0.14/kWh and buy it back at night at $0.0027/kWh. They are using the grid as a 500% efficient battery.

If they go to using an actual battery, will have to increase the size of their array many times in order to reach the same level of monthly bill reduction they currnetly have. And they have to buy a battery.

The current plan is an enormous subsidy to solar customers. That's why they will stick with it. Even if a fee is tacked on top which reduces their financial advantage it will still be far more financially advantageous than going off-grid.

Comment this is nothing to do with the free market (Score 1) 504

The utilities were already required by law to buy customers' solar power at full retail price. That eliminated any free market angle right then.

This just modifies the laws.

If you are a huge free market fan, would you agree that removing the regulatory requirements on these utilities and letting them determine what to pay for customer-generated solar power would restore the proper order?

We all know that wouldn't work. With only one way to sell their solar power (through the utility) the utility would just refuse to pay them anything.

Comment they couldn't have just read Dilbert? (Score 1) 220

'employees perceive managers to be more concerned about how they 'look' from above, and less concerned about how they are viewed by their subordinates. This fosters an unhealthy culture and climate by sending a message to employees that it is more important to focus on how things look from the top than how they actually are down below.'

You don't need to commission an expensive report to find out stuff like this. It's so universal it's seen everywhere.

Heck, Scott Adams who writes Dilbert was employed by Pacific Bell, which is not so completely different than Southern California Edison.

Comment I'm using an MX518 right now (Score 1) 702

And my Model M is in a box because my boss doesn't like the noise.

I have an assortment of HP calculators. The HP-49G was a disaster, but the 48s were amazing and the 50 has been good enough.

There was a range of really well done clock radios from Sony and others right before people refused to pay good money for clock radios any more. After that clock radios then emphasized cheapness at the expense of quality and durability. It's no wonder shortly thereafter people stopped buying them. Once the devices no longer offered any alternative over using your phone, no price is low enough to make it worth purchasing.

Comment it's not a case (Score 1) 653

Well, it's not a case over the case. It's just the back and outside of the case is yellow.

This is what Fluke switched to in about 2000 and what this is emulating.

The case is supposed to look like a black case in a yellow case because that's what older Flukes did, they had a black plastic case in a yellow rubber case.

But that just made meters more bulky and made it harder to access the battery compartments. So Fluke dropped that a long time ago and the clones did too.

Also, the destruction is mandatory in this case, it's part of the punishment for the transgression.

Comment small business? (Score 2) 653

If your small business can't keep track of enough stuff to keep from infringing IP, then buy from suppliers who will indemnify you for IP infringement. Or just buy from reputable retailers.

You decided to get some sketchy Chinese meters from a company skirting the law to try to save some money or raise margins. And now it bit you. It seems like this is how the system is supposed to work.

Comment you have to use thin glass (Score 1) 769

Thick glass will fracture when you pour boiling water in. The inside of the glass heats up and expands while the outside is still cool and that creates internal stresses and breaks it.

By making the glass/ceramic thin the whole thing expands with the heat which causes no significant stresses.

You could double-wall it or insulate it as others mentioned.

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